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<rmsyn[m]> I've had some luck lately using/extending [cmsis-svd-generator]( (forked from [upstream]( tool from SiFive). Still have to parse the PDF manually, haven't found a way to do that automatically yet. But the python makes it nice for generating an SVD file, then [svd2rust](
<rmsyn[m]> to generate the PAC. Probably going to rewrite `cmsis-svd-generator` in Rust at some point, because the upstream seems to be dead.
<rmsyn[m]> [svdtools]( and related crates seem like a good starting point for a RIIR project
<rmsyn[m]> do you think there will be an equivalent/improvement to CMSIS-SVD that gets developed for the RISC-V ecosystem? I would love something not spec-ed to XML ^.^
<rmsyn[m]> the other thing that's nice about `cmsis-svd-generator` is that it uses DTS (devicetree) as input, which most(all?) board makers provide for Linux/U-boot support
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<burrbull[m]> I've found that optional dependencies with `edition < 2021` don't support `dep:` notation. Is it so?
<burrbull[m]> * found that features of optional dependencies
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<onsdag[m]> I’ve seen quite a bit of IP-XACT being used
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<spinfast[m]> <rmsyn[m]> "[svdtools]("; <- There’s a svdtools in rust
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<rmsyn[m]> right, that's the one I linked to
<rmsyn[m]> what I meant is that those crates are a good starting point for rewriting `cmsis-svd-generator` in Rust
<diondokter[m]> So, it looks like I can't do:... (full message at <>)
<K900> Don't think so
<diondokter[m]> Dang...
<diondokter[m]> Should be able to make it a function-like macro I guess... But that's less nice
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<dsvsdveg[m]> hey folks i need you asap, what resource i must know if i want to do minimalist os in rasberry pi 3 or 4
<dsvsdveg[m]> like basic I/O and why not minimalist file system
<K900> You've asked this like seven godzillion times already
<K900> And have been given mostly the same answers every time
<dsvsdveg[m]> K900: i got the link of rasberry pi os repo
<dsvsdveg[m]> i would like to have theorical information about OS first
<dsvsdveg[m]> since i'm totally new to os
<barnabyw[m]> did people point you toward this series of articles already?
<dsvsdveg[m]> barnabyw[m]: nope but i take this ty lot
<dsvsdveg[m]> does it help to understand how to write for rasberry pi right?
<barnabyw[m]> I don’t know if the toy OS detailed in that series of blog posts will run on a pi as-is
<dsvsdveg[m]> barnabyw[m]: not really my question but would it help as generalized information for os ?
<dsvsdveg[m]> so this would help me to understand code here
<barnabyw[m]> it should help with understanding how a simple OS kernel would function, yes
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<vollbrecht[m]> dsvsdveg[m]: theoretical information =/= specific hardware implementation. Also don't fell in the trap on infinity research ( only if that is your end goal). The best time to start was yesterday. The next best is now.
<barnabyw[m]> but if that series of tutorials you just linked is specifically for the pi, why not just follow them?
<K900> dsvsdveg[m]: It was linked, actually
<dsvsdveg[m]> barnabyw[m]: this aren't realy tutorial like the blog you sent, it's only code that you need to read without really explain
<K900> Huh?
<dsvsdveg[m]> vollbrecht[m]: can't start rn i have other priority but soon this will be my priority
<K900> There's a tutorial in every directory in that repo
<dsvsdveg[m]> K900: i meant it's only code not really tuto step by ste
<dsvsdveg[m]> s/ste/step/
<K900> It is step by step?
<K900> Every directory is a step
<dsvsdveg[m]> is this a step by step?
<K900> Read the generated documentation
<K900> The actual tutorial is in the code comments
<K900> As the readme tells you
<dsvsdveg[m]> K900: oh i got that ty so much for this information!!!
<dsvsdveg[m]> sorry if i'm lot lazing, i'm just in period of lots of exam
<dsvsdveg[m]> bear with me : (
<dsvsdveg[m]> just a question, before using real rasberry, i could use any software that can simulate rasberry 3 ? and will use the rust code for it
<dsvsdveg[m]> or it won't work?
<K900> No
<K900> There is no such software
<K900> At least none accurate enough to actually emulate the entire thing
<dsvsdveg[m]> K900: amazing ty so much K900, i really appreciate all the help you are giving !
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<AliGasimzade[m]> Hello everyone, I am getting into Rust and embedded systems at the same time and I am really confused. Does anybody have a good book that I can follow or maybe some links?
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<JamesMunns[m]> is a great place to start!
<AliGasimzade[m]> JamesMunns[m]: oh this is amazing, thanks a lot!
<JamesMunns[m]> If you have any more specific questions after skimming the items listed there, feel free to ask again, but that's a good place to start exploring :)
<AliGasimzade[m]> JamesMunns[m]: yes I think The Embedded Rust Book will keep me busy for a while!
<AliGasimzade[m]> JamesMunns[m]: thanks a lot!