<@vulfe:matrix.org> : I appreciate it! This will almost certainly be useful to me; right now I'm using the HAL through the BSP, which (somewhat frustratingly) doesn't actually expose the NVMC for some reason
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<@ixlun:matrix.org> Hi all. Does anyone know where I can find a PAC for the LPC-1768 chip?
<@bugadani:matrix.org> hi, you might want to generate your own using svd2rust if the IC is less popular
<@judge:chat.wlandt.de> The repo contains the svd, so you could clone the repository … regenerate using the newest version of svd2rust + maybe send a PR 😉
<@ixlun:matrix.org> Good idea. I’ll give that a go. It looks as though some manual changes are required due to name clashes but I should be able to fix that up
<@bugadani:matrix.org> it's also possible that there is a newer svd you can use and that svd2rust got slightly more sophisticated and maybe you don't run into those issues
<@ixlun:matrix.org> Hmm, I’ll look on the NXP website for a newer SVD.
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> Have a look at their resources. I recently set up PAC for the (I think) parallell m4 lpc43xx series and had to tweak some duplicate config register name, but apart from that it's working fine.
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> Also, if the 17xx also have separate coprocessors you may need to add dummy secrtons for the shared nvic lines for them to be available in `Interrupt`. I did that several years ago so it may be different now.
<@ixlun:matrix.org> Hm, yes.. I've just tried generating the code form the svd.. "could not compile "lpc17xx" (lib) due to 17035 previous errors" 😬
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> :D
<@ixlun:matrix.org> * lpc17xx
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> Some assembly required
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> Check that listed dependendencies on the docs.rs page are in and that you're using the latest `edition`
<@ixlun:matrix.org> I think that all looks good. It's mostly errors such as:
error[E0592]: duplicate definitions with name `disable`
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> There was another tweak, double checking it now but the 43xx svd had the same issue with ENUM_A, but it was an issue of the field-name tag appearing twice
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> There are also truncated enum names, but they should be the same as listed in the associated UM and may be recovered
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> The GPDMA dim seems to be messed up as well, expect everything with channels to require tweaking
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> +Edit: It was just the gpdma channel config, after fixing that and some truncated enum variants it compiles fine.
<@ixlun:matrix.org> Oh wow! Any chance you could share the tweaked SVD file?
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> Yeah, I'm figuring out where to upload it, one sec
<@ixlun:matrix.org> github gist?
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> Matthew Leach: I put it here for now since I want it stored online anyway. Might look at the fancy buildscripts they've built for other board support repos while I'm at it https://bitbucket.org/walstib/lpc4317
<@ixlun:matrix.org> Perfect, that worked great. Thanks!
<@ixlun:matrix.org> I'll raise a PR against the repo that's already published in cargo. Or maybe I should add it to https://github.com/lpc-rs/lpc-pac
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> I don't intend to maintain anything, but feel free to use material from that repo if it helps the effort :)
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> Quick note: only the duplicated by trunc variants were fixed, there are likely a million others.
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<@ixlun:matrix.org> Thanks for the heads up, I'll do some sanity checking first
<@ixlun:matrix.org> Hm, odd. I've just compiled the "hello" example from the embedded rust template, and when I'm flashing it to my board I'm seeing:
Start address 0x00000000, load size 0
Transfer rate: 0 bits in <1 sec.
When I do an objdump of the binary, there is no ".text" section or anything
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> Oh yeah, you need to setup memory.x probably
<@ixlun:matrix.org> Ah wayt, I figured out the problem
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> I'll add the one we used for the 43xx to the repo
<@ixlun:matrix.org> * wait,
<@ixlun:matrix.org> I ran svd2rust within the template and that overwrote the template's "build.rs"
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<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> I'm not well informed about the uses of lpc17xx but I'm trying to understand, what exactly is a device like lpc1751 really needed for?
Bespoke stepper motor controller with CAN for automotive?
<@walstib-alex:matrix.org> +(a single peripheral, forget gatewaying)