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<re_irc> < (> Looks like they are using the cmsis dap library? And firmware seems to be MIT licensed?
<re_irc> < (> only 3 wires for SWD? Isn't reset required?
<re_irc> < (> It's not required so long as the mcu can't get itself into a state where it stops responding over swd :p
IlPalazzo-ojiisa has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<re_irc> < (> offtopic question: has anyone ever run into a situation where a file was too large to push to GH? I removed the file from the history but it still refuses to accept the push ... kind of confused here.
<re_irc> < (> If you committed it at any point, you have to prune it out of the entire commit history:
<re_irc> < (> It's telling me "File image is 262.04 MB". I do not even have a file that size lol. du -h tells me 97MB for the entire directory ...
<re_irc> < (> : I did :)
<re_irc> < (> If you pruned it, Github would never know about the large file, so there's probably still something in there then
<re_irc> < (> I know, the question is how to find it. but see the message about the size above. GH thinks it's 260MB where my directory is a mere 97MB ...
<re_irc> < (> Stuff stored in history is in the .git folder, is your size calc including that?
<re_irc> < (> : yep, including :)
<re_irc> < (> Also, maybe has some help?
<re_irc> < (> There's a... complex one liner there you might be able to use
<re_irc> < (> There's also git-bfg for fancier operations
<re_irc> < (> : this has fixed it, thanks :)
<re_irc> < (> It was all a red herring ... it told me "File image is 260MB ..." where "image" was the name and not some image
<re_irc> < (> and I was too stupid to understand because that file was long deleted and not visible on first sight
<re_irc> < (> Hi, is the section FLASH in memory.x configuration, is it hardcoded in any way?
<re_irc> < (> By that I mean does the toolchain somehow find that section and FLASH it there?
<re_irc> < (> Or is it hidden somewhere in the boilerplate project templates?
<re_irc> < (> It's used by the linker script in cortex-m-rt
<re_irc> < (> I searched for "FLASH" and couldn't find it to be special
<re_irc> < (> And that's all, memory.x is included by that link.x file which uses the name FLASH, the compiler and linker don't otherwise handle the name specially or anything
<re_irc> < (> Great, thank you.
<re_irc> < (> The cortex-m-rt docs are also a really good overview of how the whole linker script machinery works btw
<re_irc> < (>
<re_irc> < (> Always a good first read if you have linker related questions.
<re_irc> < (> Misc though, we should probably rename the "device" feature of cmrt at some point. That's what we used to call PACs.
<re_irc> < (> "has-pac" maybe?
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<re_irc> <Pedro Ferreira> : Why no USB-C tho? 😞
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<re_irc> < (> they're counting pennies.
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<re_irc> < (> Yeah. They cost more.
<re_irc> < (> (especially if they already have a huge stock of micro ports sitting around from say, building Pico boards)
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