though I could've sworn the last stackoverflow question mentioned that any zip gem should handle rar as well
last so question I've read*
"ffi-libarchive provides a gem-based solution. It works for rar files even though they don't specifically mention it (see issue #151). Add this to your application's Gemfile:"
time to test that.
i don't know if there is a general un-raring thing
weaksauce, if worst comes to worst, I'll just call the rar-cli directly as a new process.
yeah that's simple enough
weaksauce, it seems ffi-libarchive has the same issue as Zip. "uninitialized constant Archive (NameError)" for Archive::EXTRACT_PERM
the binary? nope. just installed the gem. I'm not running a *nix machine.
it's a FFI to that binary
which is "foreign function interface"
so it calls stuff from ruby into the C/etc world
Understood. *slaps his own face*
yeah. makes sense.
weaksauce, but that aside, I'd expect it to throw a runtime error as opposed to a syntax/interpreter error, no?
what is an uninitialized constant?
post the full stack trace in a gist or something
and i can tell you more
just means that something is not defined
could be that it failed to bind correctly and thus didn't create that constant (uppercase things in ruby that are generally classes or values)
just require "./unrar.rb" or whatever it is named in the same directory your script is on
weaksauce, I will try that. my concern right now is however less to achieve my archiving goals, as much as it is to understand ruby.
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I don't come from an scripted/interpreted/VHLL background
well fileutils are useful
I've noted that class, yeah. also, I've noticed there's no socket class. but `File` has a socket? method which means, I assume, that files will be treated as sockets, alongside the Io class.
very unixy
anyway, I'd like to make a list if you don't mind
net/http is more high level than socket
eh? what's the difference
between core and stdlib
core is the essentials like enumerable, array, hash
ah. ok. I see. damn. I missed this completely. the stdlib page.
I was looking only at core
i guess stuff that you'd need to make any program
the extra stuff like csv is out that way
ok this makes a lot of sense now
weaksauce, thanks for that, saved me a lot of trouble. now then, as I said, I'm trying to make a list of popular gems to complement the core/stdlib. anything that comes to mind?
the stdlib is still very used but not always
rake/minitest or rspec/bundler
set is useful sometimes
time is generally the one you want to use instead of Date or datetime
there's a ton really
Dir and File are useful
as are fileutils for copy/rename/remove etc
spend some time learning enumerable as that is hands down the most important thing in ruby
weaksauce, sounds like iterator in C++.
weaksauce, yeah, these are in stdlib. I was thinking, more like, external gems.
awesomeruby is something worth a browse
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Hi everyone! Anyone here that could help me with finding the memory location of a ruby object? Before 2.7, this was easy with object_id, but this changed
`FFI::Pointer.new(object_id * 2)` works for ruby 2.6 but not for 2.7+
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I sure hope I can do word().size(), right?
nevermind. "Ruby tries hard not to require any syntax it can do without and a great example of this
or omit the parentheses around the arguments. "
is its treatment of parentheses. When you define or call a method, you are free to add
thank god
I mean
thank Allah.
and Anubis
anyway. Chapter 2.
* John_Ivan
right. not something I consider useful, or rather, not something I am willing to change.
Chapter 3.
John_Ivan: IMHO, leave parenthesis off if there are no arguments, but use them if there are.
They are optional in most cases, but while you're learning, it's not worth determining when they can be left off. Or which arguments belong to which.
Or the worse, when a hash is passed as a block argument.
adam12, I heed the advice. But I know what practice is objectively right or wrong when it comes to syntax choices.
parentheses should not be optional. with or without arguments. that is my belief.
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"collection.each() do | arg | { }"
to be used instead of for? eh. a bit of a meh. but sure. it's fair enough.
John_Ivan: `for` is there but it's not used that much. It has different semantics than the blocks, and you can't use it with Enumerable.
John_Ivan: Once you start using Enumerable methods you'll see why.
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adam12, I get the idea. just another <Iteration> API
John_Ivan: Sure. Many methods in Enumerable are chainable too, so you can compose operations.
and is `while` as well less frequent as a result of `unless/until`?
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don't use for John_Ivan
it will mess you up
and omitting parens on methods that don't have arguments is common. reads easier
but, adding parens when there are arguments is what should be done
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weaksauce, right, well, so far, aside from some of the conventions, things look good.
it's not python or js.
for i in [*1..10] { puts(i) }
doesn't create a new scope for i
i is equal to 10 now
vs [*1..10].each { |i| puts(i) }
i is undefined
so `i` is left dangling around the scope, taking up namespace
that's..... meh.
nah it will clobber too
so if you have say i = 42 it would be overwritten
at the end of the for loop
makes sense.
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weaksauce, nice, there's also no need to artificially create accessors/mutators for each variable you add to your class
there's attr_accessor, attr_reader and attr_writer if you want to make the basic cases easily
rw, r and w
just pass in a symbol in your class
yup. saw that in the book
it's neat
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05:11:13 <John_Ivan> but I need this running on windows.
the last time I had such demand I convinced them to make it a web app and use via browser
my main data I process on is on NTFS drivers, used mainly by Windows.
ugh I forget the flags every time... maybe I should just use awk
pandabot: what's ruby flags
rubyflags is: ruby -ple '$_.upcase!' < input.txt; ruby -nle 'BEGIN { i = c = 0 }; c += $_.size; puts "#{i += 1} #$_"; END { p c }' < input.txt
use bash ctrl+R
or ... make an alias
also, what are you doing with that monstrosity
at first I thought I wanted a sum, but I decided min/max were sufficient, and since min/max is all I want, I went with sort -n instead of Ruby
a sum over all the lines provided on standard input
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okay so if I want the sum it's awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'
is BEGIN END a thing from awk?
I guess that seems likely
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