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jhass[m]: I generate and store all documentation, where rubydoc.info generates on demand and caches some.
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is the plan to do it for all gems?
jhass[m]: Both obviously with their pros and cons, especially since some gems generate almost a gigabyte of docs, but one of my strategies is heavy compression for storage. And I don't use "the cloud" in the traditional sense, but rather I have my own platform and my own servers, so it's "reasonably" cheap for me to just rack a server with a bunch
of SSDs.
I'd like to do it for all gems, perhaps through the Rubygems webhook that I was using originally. Before I started gemdocs.org, I made an experiment to build docs for _every_ gem, and record sizes, to see if it was feasible.
But the current incarnation of the site is super simple, so I haven't added the webhook yet. I probably need to actually add a database (it uses the filesystem curently), and perhaps some sort of locking mechanism for parallel doc builds, and maybe a few other bits.
that's cool. I'd be curious about the ballpark numbers if you still have them
But I agressively add gems as I see htem.
I regret not timestamping each record (and using sqlite up front), so it's hard to gauge the time span.
Largest gem for docs is `oci`, and compressed it's like 23MB. And the longest building gem is `rbt` and it takes over an hour to run `yard` on it.
The azure- gems are my biggest culprit right now tho. I shared some stats a few weeks back, where during the build it hit almost 1 GB of docs. I compress it down to like ~ 60 MB tho, which I guess is better than nothing. Indicative of why Loren won't store _everything_ on rubydoc.info.
so about 5G when compressed?
all in all
Ahh! That build log is the experimental one, so it doesn't reflect gemdocs.org, just what I was building via webhooks.
But actually right now, it's even less than that on gemdocs.org. Only about 210MB compressed.
yeah I mean that's more than managable. I think I'd look into a fast decompression algo, like zstd and a compressing filesystem that supports it
Well right now I have a huge hack, where I always gzip it, and always serve the gzip version (sorry ancient IE users :P)
but it was my _plan_ to use btrfs or ZFS, eventually.
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zfs would support you throwing those docs uncompressed on a dataset with compression turned on, zstd/etc
oh, interesting you can't quite do the same on btrfs
> Can I set compression per-subvolume? no
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adam12 have you tried to see what exactly consumes to much space? is it really just api methods docs?
I had a bash-function somewhere on another machine that prints a summary by file type at least
*so much space
a gig seems much
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nakilon: I never bothered to dig in, but for the azure_mgmt_network, it's _huge_ on it's own, without docs. So my guess is that it's just huge**2 or something.
jidar: Yeah. My current implementation is just "one less piece", since I deploy from cloud images (like Debian) and they only come with a default filesystem. I'd have to auto-partition, mount another disk, or make a file on the existing filesystem and mount it loopback, then format. But eventually I'll probably try to move towards that.
adam@Adams-MacBook-Air tmp % du -sh azure_mgmt_network-0.26.1
140MB of Ruby code...
They are deprecating these SDKs, so it might not matter as much in the future. But they definitely could of done with someone experienced in Ruby to build them.
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140mb of ruby code? how? maybe they've bundled other libs in?
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i just looked at it and they autogenerated a bunch of code
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
AND instead of using git like git they created new folders for each release