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I'm a newbie with racket and schemes and I was trying to understand what happens in drracket when we use "#lang slideshow" and then we run "(circle 10)"...
then I fell into several different rabbit holes
if I run just "circle" racket says "#<procedure:circle>"
what are the fields of a procedure object? does it have something that says in which file it was defined?
when I run Maxima and I run load("startsly.lisp") it runs that...
I'm not familiar with quicklisp at all, and it's been years since I used geiser. I generally prefer racket-mode, although it has less fancy REPL support.
maybe if you can say what you are trying to accomplish?
since maxima is not related to racket...
if I just run Maxima I can get a primitive SBCL REPL by running "to_lisp();"
oh. I just use slime for that.
I'm sure there is a more direct way with geiser as well.
I can get a much better repl if make Maxima load Swank, make Swank listen in a port, and then I make Sly connect to that Swank
oops, Slynk, not Swank
I am guessing that if I do something similar with geiser and racket I will be able to navigate the sources and inspect objects in a better way
or at least I will have two ways to do that... one from a racket repl and one from geiser
I am more familiar with that way of doing things that with racket-mode
what is it that the existing geiser repl does not provide for you?
the "," things
like ",ap require"
I don't know how to run them from geiser
sounds like you might want to look at "xrepl"
if I run (require xrepl) in the racket-mode repl (or elsewhere I imagine), it enables a bunch of , commands.
for example?
well. "a bunch" might be an overstatement. ,describe and ,apropos for example
bremner: that's one of the things that I was looking for! thanks! =)
how do I translate ",describe pict" to a sexp?
I don't know how comma commands are parsed
me neither. I did notice a comment in the documentation that things like ,exit worked even if/when the exit function was not visible in the current module
unrelated: if I run just this,
(require pict)
(circle 10)
the output is "#<pict>". in other languages I know how to change the tostring method of a class of objects, but in racket not yet...
and I was trying to understand how in certaing cases a pict object tells the repl that it should be shown as an image, not as text
i couldn't find the details of how that is implemented
this is an advanced question... I am asking because, I don't know... maybe you have an example ready =)
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btw, in emacs structs aren't very well documented... I can run this - (find-estruct (package-get-descriptor 'magit)) - to inspect a package-desc structure, and the output is:
I had to make that find-estruct thing myself and it is a quick hack
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