ChanServ changed the topic of #racket to: The Racket Programming Language -- -- -- -- logged at -- This is the right place to ask for help with DrRacket. Remember to wait around for an answer!
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<spdegabrielle> RacketCon registration is now open:
<mason> spdegabrielle: Do they ever happen at Brown?
<mason> Or in MA or something?
<spdegabrielle> Yeah the move about
<spdegabrielle> Last year brown I think
<mason> I'll wait for the next one to be at Brown or close. Maybe the pandemic will have calmed down more by then too.
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<spdegabrielle> mason: get a Remote Participant ticket $10.00 I did
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<bremner> have they upped their remote game? The last time I watched streams the audiovisual quality was not good.
<bremner> (it was a few years ago_
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<spdegabrielle> bremner: I will raise as an issue, but look at recent RacketCon video and tell me what you think
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