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<Guest6> hello everyone, i was considering seriously starting with a scheme for some projects and have doubts about which implementation, i read TPL and tried some schemes, but was wondering about racket
<Guest6> is it ok to use or is it still considered a toy language? can it be used for real applications?
<bremner> Guest6: of course _we_ think it's usable for real applications
<bremner> Guest6: you might need to define what you mean to get more information than that
<Guest6> bremner i just rememebr a similar conversation few months ago with some people that suggested why don't you use soemthing more industry robust such as common lisp
<Guest6> so i was wondering is racket actually used for real world projects?
<Guest6> also one thing i remember it seemed a bit complicated with racket was debugging, never got able to debug especially recursive functions
<Guest6> the other doubt is about interactivity, is it interactive let's say like common lisp where you can comfortably use a REPL-driven programming approach
<Guest6> sorry i realize these are multiple questions
<bremner> I would say racket is less REPL driven than common lisp. There are good reasons for this, but if that is a dealbreaker for you...
<bremner> debugging tail recursive functions can be a bit tricky, but not impossible.
<Guest6> how do you do that?
<bremner> step through execution?
<bremner> (in the debugger)
<Guest6> ohh ok ok
<bremner> as far as "real world projects", I work on research compilers, so I can't really help there. I would say both common lisp and all scheme dialects put together are basically noise at the bottom of the chart compared to JavaScript and Python
<Guest6> bremner sure
<Guest6> that is a fact of course
<bremner> I mean, for me research is as real world as most startups, but I think most people think differently
<Guest6> bremner sounds reasonable
<Guest6> bremner maybe you could help also with something else, i wasn't able to statically compile a program using graphical libraries last year
<Guest6> let me see if i can get my hands on it again
<bremner> That's not something I know about, sorry. I'd post to the discourse instance
<Guest6> bremner what research are you doing ?
<Guest6> what is discourse?
<bremner> you can use it via email after signing up, if that's your preference
<bremner> I use racket in researching modelling languages for mathematical optimization (operations research)
<ski> (btw, it could probably help to be also in #scheme. perhaps also #lispcafe,#lisp)
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<bremner> #cl-school is good if learning common lisp. The famous common lisp "attitude" is almost entirely absent :)
<Guest6> danke to all of you
<bremner> good luck
<Guest6> bremner so you write DSLs for operations research?
<ski> Guest6 : of course, it's easier to do that, if you have a proper (standalone) IRC client, rather than a webchat
<bremner> Guest6: something like that
<ski> (not that there's anything wrong with webchats .. just a bit less featureful and convenient)
<ski> hm, bremner, related to constraint programming ?
<bremner> ski: more to linear programming, so more numerics on the back end, less backtracking
<ski> mhm. simplex method and such things, i guess
<bremner> yeah, branch and bound and so on
* ski nods
<bremner> lots of cool stuff going on in constraint programming, afaict
* ski hsn't checked, in some while
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