tonyg changed the topic of #racket to: The Racket Programming Language -- -- -- -- logged at -- This is the right place to ask for help with (Dr)Racket. Remember to wait around for an answer!
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<Viking667> 'llo. I wanted to know if tere was a way to know if my racketbc libraries were compiled with -fPIC? I'm still trying to combine this with vim, but the final link of the vim project with the libracket3m libraries is complaining about the linking stage not being able to resolve symbols
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<Viking667> (I'll be back in about 40-45 minutes, I guess)
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<Viking667> Sorry, was a long 45 minutes. Stuff happene.... well, actually it didn't happen. Sigh.
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<eskin> i want to draw a grid of squares that can either be black or white to a canvas, update them frequently, and redraw at 60fps. would it be more efficient to draw bitmaps to the canvas with `draw-bitmap` or to use `draw-rectangle`?
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