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<ika> hi folks, why would `(foldl and #t (#t #t #f))' not work?
<ika> it just returns `bad syntax' but i do not understand, isn't (and) considered as a procedure? like `cons' ?
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<leah2> and is a macro
<leah2> and the list needs quoting
<ika> > and is a macro thx i understand, i'll just use a lambda
<ika> > list needs quoting yeah it was a typo, i was filtering some other list, thx anyway
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<msiism> Why does `(regexp-match? #rx"[^0-9ymd-]" "")` return #f? I expected it to return #t because the empty string matches the pattern, as far as I understand it.
<johnjaye> does it still do it if you say ^a or ^b
<msiism> Let me check.
<msiism> Yes, it does.
<msiism> This is on Racket 7.9.
<msiism> …and also on 8.5.
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<Tuplanolla> That's a regular expression for matching a single character. Did you forget an asterisk?
<msiism> Well, yeah it matches a single character. But it's not anchored.
<msiism> So, it matches any single character that is not [0-9ymd-] in an arbitrary string.
<johnjaye> well. doesn't that mean empty wouldn't be a match then?
<msiism> That's what I thought.
<msiism> That's why I was expecting #t.
<johnjaye> i don't understand. if you're matching a single character which is not a digit, that doesn't match empty string.
<msiism> [^0-9ymd-] means "not 0-9, y, m, d, or -".
<msiism> But then, the empty string contains no characters.
<msiism> I can work around this by saying (^$|[^0-9ymd-]), though.
<johnjaye> i don't think those words mean what you think they mean.
<msiism> Okay, so, now it makes sense: Does "" contain any characters that are not "0-9", "y", "m", "d", or "-"? Answer: No, because the string does not contain any characters.
<johnjaye> [^0-9ymd-] means "a character such as a or b, but NOT 0-9, y, m, d, or -"
<msiism> Yeah.
<msiism> I just "forgot" that the empty string does not contain any characters.
<Tuplanolla> If only we had a universal string that contains all the characters...
<msiism> I'm not sure that would be useful.
<msiism> I think, my misconception here might be influenced by using grep(1) on the Unix command line.
<msiism> Or, maybe, not…
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