whitequark changed the topic of #prjbureau to: Microchip (Atmel) ATF15xx CPLD reverse engineering · code https://github.com/whitequark/prjbureau · docs https://whitequark.github.io/prjbureau/ · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/prjbureau
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<astrobunny> whitequark: stuff came up and i will be busy most of the weekend, so i won't be able to work on the docs on sunday. sorry about that
<astrobunny> perhaps another time or we can do whatever asynchronously
<astrobunny> also i managed to force logic doubling and usage of feedback and cascade on by chaining lots of xor and or operations together. very unsystematic but it seems the fitter just tries its best to lower the expression and overflows it using those
<astrobunny> soon i will have my testbench to simulate the logic flow myself