beneroth changed the topic of #picolisp to: PicoLisp language | The scalpel of software development | Channel Log: | Check for more information
<beneroth> aw-, debian doesn't yet have the fixed rsync. It has a rsync update, but only up to 3.2.3 with protocol version 31, should be 3.4.0+ and protocol version 32+
<beneroth> (same with ubuntu, obviously)
<aw-> i see
<aw-> ok thanks beneroth!
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<abu[7]> Debian testing still 3.3.0
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<taleon> rsync-3.4.0 on OpenBSD
<taleon> 3.4.0 on FreeBSD
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<bjorkintosh> has pico always been based on llvm?
<abu[7]> No. It first was C, then Java (reduced), then Asm, then LLVM
<beneroth> bjorkintosh, no, only the pil21 edition. before that came pil64 which was implemented in assembler. before that pil32 in C.
<abu[7]> Predecessors with different names were Asm too
<bjorkintosh> interesante.
<beneroth> abu[7], what was your first programming language? :D
<abu[7]> o
<abu[7]> I
<bjorkintosh> abu[7]: I bet it was lisp
<bjorkintosh> hahaha
<abu[7]> Asm
<bjorkintosh> machine language huh? on a pdp?
<beneroth> I would have guesses so, asm :D
<abu[7]> Yer
<abu[7]> Yes
<bjorkintosh> 11? 8?
<abu[7]> Sc/Mp bytes
<abu[7]> Then Z80
<abu[7]> Later 68000 asm
<abu[7]> and "Muesli" in 8086
<abu[7]> (Maximum uncompiled execution speed Lisp interpreter)
<abu[7]> Before Lisp I war more in Forth
<abu[7]> But the first "language" I wrote was SHIT (semi-hexadecimal instruction translator)
<abu[7]> Most code was hex
<bjorkintosh> S-HIT.
<abu[7]> eg. 9C ie jump if non-zero
<abu[7]> iirc
<bjorkintosh> but isn't semi half and Hex 16, therefore semi-hex being octal.
<abu[7]> Well .. :)
<abu[7]> The instructions were hex
<abu[7]> SHIT just computed jump offsets to labels
<abu[7]> cause this is the tedious part
<abu[7]> I knew all opcodes bg heart
<abu[7]> by
<beneroth> Muesli sounds swiss-made
<abu[7]> I wrote several embedded systems with it
<beneroth> (like broetli)
<abu[7]> beneroth, T
<abu[7]> I eat Müesli since childhood
<abu[7]> sorry, afk
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