When the external script ("ls" in this case) terminates and there are no more lines available, the (task) keeps executing and I am unable to stop it, not to mention restart it with different pipe
Hi fuxoft, 'task' usually checks for EOF (ie. NIL)
My example is simplified. In reality I am reading char-by-char and the input parsing routine is more complex. There are potentially no newlines in the stream.
"the (task) keeps executing" so there is no EOF?
Ideally there is no EOF. But I want to write it in such a way that when there the external script stops for whatever reason (e.g. crashes), it's immediately restarted.
But then the file descriptor is closed and invalid
Closing the task with (task Pipe) is good, but then you need a new task
Yep, so I want to replace the original (task) with a new (task) without FHandlerChar function even noticing that something happened
That's why I am trying to call (commandReader) again at the end of the task (when the pipe closes)
(commandReader) does not create a new task
It should
Oops, the "(when *PPid..." line should not be there, I forgot to remove it when creating the minimal example
what confuses me is the (while (line) .. Is (run FDisconnect) ever reached?
That's only a log
Yep. When ls finishes, (line T) returns NIL, doesn't it?
btw, i ran it and it seems to work fine
Wait, it runs fine on your machine, e.g. produces the output of ls repeatedly endlessly?
it closes and restarts '(ls ".")
Many ("Got:"...")
On my machine, it starts failing with "Pipe error: Too many open files" after a while
the exactly same script?
Wait a moment, I will check again.
Only (commandReader ..) starts the pipe
and it should not be called before the first pipe closed
looks all right
At first it runs OK for a while, then it starts signalling "Pipe was closed" without reading any lines, and after some more iterations it starts failing with "Pipe error: Too many open files"
I try a longer run
Still running, but seems to get slower
No, sorry, the "Too many open files" error starts appearing first but otherwise it still produces the correct output.
My pil version is (24 6 27)
Seems I don't get that error
(on Termux)
Is it from (pipe)?
BTW it behaves the same way both on my desktop PC (Ubuntu) and in Linux containter on Chromebook