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<tankf33der> Hi all
<tankf33der> abu[m]: question:
<tankf33der> how correctly send raw byte stream to stdout?
<abu[m]> Good morning tankf33der! With 'wr'
<tankf33der> (loop (wr (rand 0 255)))
<tankf33der> is it ok?
<abu[m]> Yeah
<tankf33der> Reading stream programm behavious differently if i send byte and 8 bytes in the row.
<tankf33der> next:
<tankf33der> reading stream programm behavious differently if i create a list of bytes by make-link or make-yoke.
<tankf33der> Sending bytes by:
<tankf33der> apply wr rand8
<tankf33der> I am testing random generator
<abu[m]> Good
<abu[m]> Your then read with (rd 1)?
<tankf33der> Another programm read i can not control
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<abu[m]> How?
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<tankf33der> unknown.
<tankf33der> my tests shows /dev/urandom crypto strong random generator
<abu[m]> What is it that you cannot control?
<tankf33der> programm written on c++
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