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<razzy> abu[m]: beneroth: i think firejail is good sandbox, i want to use it because i am scared of user input. (in (list firejail nice ...)) is nice way, it did not occur to me. thx
<razzy> beneroth: i do not pretend to understand linux scheduling. but when I set lower priority, it seems system does not try to be realtime and utilise more of CPU time and is more efficient (it shows 100% CPU ussage instead constant switching back and forth).
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<beneroth> abu[m], whats the difference to jitsi?
<abu[m]> Not sure, it seems more kind of permanent.
<abu[m]> They write that an invitation isn't needed any longer
<abu[m]> So you get notifications etc.
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<beneroth> ah okay.
<beneroth> not sure if that is a good thing actually :D
<abu[m]> Right. Like all notifications, they may get too noisy and disruptive
<beneroth> T
<beneroth> I like the fact you can just type an URL with jitsi
<abu[m]> Yes, created on the fly
<abu[m]> tankf33der: Did you really see Pil64 being a lot faster than Pil21 for 'isprime'?
<abu[m]> I ran some benches with some big numbers, and Pil64 was slightly faster
<tankf33der> I thought about this too, i will try to find where it slow
<abu[m]> OK
<abu[m]> I did (bench (do 9999 (isprime C)))) with a few numbers in C
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