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<razzy> Regenaxer: I remembered practical example of yesterday AoC. It was medicine research, they had binary data 1 react to antigens, 0 no reaction to antigens. and they needed similiar filtering as yesterday.
<Regenaxer> I see, very similar
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<razzy> i have trouble executing pipe | when doing (in (list 'command "argument" "|" "command" "argument")(read))
<Regenaxer> This does not work. The "|" pipe character is a Shell syntax
<Regenaxer> The easiest is (in (list "sh" "-c" (pack "command " Arg "...)) ...)
<Regenaxer> or you use 'pipe'
<razzy> will try thx
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<razzy> anyone tried developing JavaScript in vip?
<Regenaxer> I write all texts in Vip, also Java and JavaScript, but of course then the paren matching does not work
<razzy> imho, JavaScript came from lisp
<Regenaxer> Not directly, but many concepts in JS
<beneroth> JS is just horrible
<Regenaxer> T
<razzy> Java is horrible
<Regenaxer> Indeed, even worse than JS
<razzy> one must keep perspective :]
<razzy> I need to be employed, so JS it is :]
<Regenaxer> T
<razzy> Regenaxer: I am confused, why (list "sh" "-c" (pack )) works and (list 'sh "-c" (pack )) does not
<Regenaxer> "sh" and 'sh should both work
<Regenaxer> I use "sh" usually to avoid a new internal symbol
<Regenaxer> What happens?
<razzy> NIL
<Regenaxer> You do (in (list 'sh ... ?
<razzy> maybe another bug, thank you
<razzy> i rewrite it and solved :]
<Regenaxer> What is different?
<razzy> no idea, i deleted all bad examples when i arrived at good solution
<Regenaxer> :)
<beneroth> you should keep such notes, for yourself. when you later have similar problems again, you can look up there.
<razzy> ok difference: (list "sh" "-c" "cat" (pack "")) does nt work
<razzy> why "cat" needs to be in (pack
<Regenaxer> -c takes a *single* argument string to the shell
<Regenaxer> a whole command
<Regenaxer> with pipes etc
<razzy> ah,... make sense :] thx
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<beneroth> [OT] Sven Guckes passed away (German vim hacker)
<Regenaxer> Also OT: Ruediger sent this
<Regenaxer> This is especially true for languages
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