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<bq> Hey does anyone know if this Cypress EZ-USB thats a USB-JTAG on some lattice boards is supported yet by openocd as an interface? Lsusb shows it as 1134:8001
<bq> The docs describe that it should act like an ispDownload cable but I cant see that this is supported by openocd either
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<PaulFertser> bq: doesn't look like that. It's not a kitprog and not cmsis-dap/daplink compatible is it?
* Haohmaru deploys an ear
<bq> I'll check kitprog but I'd assume CMSIS-DAP wouldn't apply in FPGA land?
<Haohmaru> CMSIS-DAP is an arm-cortex thing
<Haohmaru> if your FPGA has some ARM in it - possible
<bq> fair
<bq> FPGAs generally just have SVFs pushed in
<Haohmaru> no idea what that is
<PaulFertser> bq: cmsis-dap offers raw JTAG commnication so can be used for playing back SVFs
<bq> PaulFertser, ah cool. I'll double check
<Haohmaru> PaulFertser i seem to remember that it might be possible that a "dap" debugger might not have all the pins for JTAG and thus only provide SWD, or am i mixing things up?
<Haohmaru> in otherwords, do all "dap" debuggers have this JTAG scheme?
<PaulFertser> Haohmaru: cmsis-dap/daplink protocol offers enough for raw jtag communication to work.
<PaulFertser> Haohmaru: stlink does not.
<Haohmaru> do you mean the famous v3?
<Haohmaru> or all of them
<PaulFertser> Haohmaru: all of them
<Haohmaru> aww
<PaulFertser> stlinkv2 didn't even have dap-level protocol till few years ago.
<Haohmaru> well at least it was cheap
<Haohmaru> the v3mini i mean
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<Xogium> speaking of st-link stuff, is there any way of disabling the damned led that lights up red if nothing's connected on it ?
<Xogium> doesn't disturb me but my friend sure is
<Haohmaru> those were uber bright
<Haohmaru> you'll probably have to finds its resistor and put a bigger one
<Xogium> I'm not sure where it is located on the stm32mp157f-dk2 board. I assume close to the micro usb port
<Haohmaru> you should be able to find it with a multimeter possibly
<Xogium> will ask my friend if he can check when he's back
<Xogium> I'm making a mini music player using the dev kit and the leds are annoying at night hehe
<Haohmaru> same with my kamami zl33prg, i have to quit openocd otherwise the blue LED on that thing blinks nervously all night and it's uber bright
<Xogium> I kinda don't understand why having a led lighting up when nothing is plugged in is done
<Xogium> shouldn't it be lighting up when something is plugged in rather ?
<Haohmaru> to indicate the device is "on" ?
<Xogium> hmm
<Xogium> yeah, I didn't think of that. So then it is fixed when it is on, but blinking when something is connected ?
<Haohmaru> i generally put 10k resistors on "indication" LEDs
<Xogium> I thought it was fixed when nothing was in, and off if something was
<Haohmaru> Xogium no idea particularly about your device
<Haohmaru> other than that, if the pin has "drive" settings and could be set to drive less strong - that could be an option too
<Xogium> hmm maybe borneoa_ would know
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<karlp> drive settings normally only relate to edge slope, not how much current they can source/sink.
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<Guest55> When writing to flash can you simply use the 'flash write_image' command or do you have to write to flash registers first to enable writing?
<PaulFertser> Guest55: if the flash driver and configuration is right you shouldn't need any custom registers writes.
<PaulFertser> Guest55: do you get sane data in "flash info 0"?
<Guest55> I havent tried that command, I do get good information from flash probe
<Guest55> I can only write single bytes however
<Guest55> What is the correct command to program flash?
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<PaulFertser> Guest55: flash write_image erase or something like that.
<Guest55> What is a good adapter speed?
<PaulFertser> Guest55: depends on the target and wires. Usually it's easy enough to try few different settings.
<Guest55> Thanks!
<borneoa_> Xogium: the schematics of stm32mp157f is public on ST website. Anyway the bi-color LED has two resistors, R89 and R90, both 330 ohm. As far as I know, there is now way to turn it off.
<Xogium> borneoa_: thanks :) I need to come up with a way to read schematics somehow
<Xogium> I don't know
<Xogium> I guess its like xvg plots generated by systemd-analyze, packed wit visual info
<Xogium> can't really be used with a screen reader
<borneoa_> Xogium: the resistors are beside the LED
<Xogium> so I could lower the intensity with another pair of stronger resistors ?
<borneoa_> Xogium: on ST web there is the PDF and in a zip also the source but I don't remember with which tool it is made
<Xogium> interesting. Probably kicad
<borneoa_> Xogium: yes, changing resistors could work. Pay attention that are too close to the plastics of the LED, easy to melt it
<Xogium> or something
<Xogium> hmm, good point
<borneoa_> Xogium: maybe kicad can open it, but I doubt it was the tool used in ST
<urja> changing yes, adding more: not really useful ... or okay in theory if you put one across the led
<Haohmaru> i doubt ST uses kicad
<Xogium> I suppose I could use tape to mask the leds, somehow... but yech, tape on a pcb
<Haohmaru> since they do have more "pro" EDAs from before
<Haohmaru> Xogium sure, black electric tape
<borneoa_> Xogium: the property of the PDF say "altium designer"
<Haohmaru> also known as... ;]
<Xogium> yeah.. I have the regular sort of tape so might have to go hunting for the electric kind
<Haohmaru> black marker?
<Xogium> I thought electric tape was because normal tape couldn't be used
<Haohmaru> or just cut a small chunk of very thick paper, put it over the LED, tape it with normal tape
<Haohmaru> i mean't electrical tape so it blocks light ;P~
<Haohmaru> "normal tape" here is transparent
<Xogium> oh
<Xogium> I see
<Xogium> ha ha
<urja> :D
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<Guest55> Hey, I'm trying to write to a M29W160DT flash chip using the flash fill command. I can write a byte using flash fillb, but when I try flash fillw i get a flash write block failed status 0xffffffff error writing to flash. Anyone have any insight?
<Xogium> hehe that one was too tempting, sorry
<PaulFertser> Guest55: probably your flash is using 8-bit bus and you tell OpenOCD it's a 16-bit bus? Or something like that.
<Guest55> How do I set the flash to 8 bits?
<PaulFertser> Guest55: are you reading the user manual? It has description for the flash bank command, and cfi driver in particular.
<Guest55> yes, I have it. If i change the bus width from 2 to 1 it wont work
<Guest55> I can read and dump image just fine, its the writing that's getting me
<PaulFertser> Guest55: are you writing to erased flash?
<Guest55> No
<PaulFertser> Guest55: to properly write you need to erase first. In any case if you run with -d3 you can see what OpenOCD does under the hood and compare that to the commands from the datasheet.
<Guest55> Thank you!
<Guest55> I'm still getting the 'error flash write block failed 0xe2522001' do you know where to find error codes?
<PaulFertser> Guest55: you can try running with WORKINGAREASIZE set to 0, that way OpenOCD would be using register manipulations instead of running some helper code on the target.
<PaulFertser> That might provide additional insight.
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<Guest55> I got it! You have to erase the sector before writing. Thanks for you help
<PaulFertser> :)
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