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<c4017> First time trying openocd with an stlink, I get "Error: 18 71 hla_interface.c:264 hl_interface_handle_layout_command(): No adapter layout 'stlink' found" when running with "-d3 -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg -c "init; reset init""
<c4017> I built with --enable-stlink, is anything else needed?
<PaulFertser> c4017: hi
<PaulFertser> c4017: probably you're running not the binary you built?
<c4017> PaulFertser, I verified it's the correct binary. Actually I first tried it with another binary that was built without '--enable-stlink' and got a different error "Error: 16 79 adapter.c:135 handle_adapter_driver_command(): The specified debug interface was not found (hla)"
<PaulFertser> c4017: another guess then: you're running a binary with configs from another OpenOCD version.
<c4017> oh I think I figured it out...
<c4017> I had '--disable-stlink' later in the command line haha
<c4017> yup, working now
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<PaulFertser> c4017: cool :) should have been reflected in configure summary at the end.
<c4017> yup that's how I eventually found it
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<josuah> hello! any news about the RP2040? As popular as it looks, their $1 133MHz MCU is still having a separate fork, with not much thing that moves on their side
<Haohmaru> "fork" ?
<Haohmaru> what aspect of it is forked?
<josuah> Haohmaru: they use something incompatible with CMSIS-DAP, so tools like STlink or jlink won't work with it
<Haohmaru> oh, uh.. does it not work with openocd "normally" as any other cortex-M via SWD?
<Haohmaru> awww wtf
<josuah> Haohmaru: so they added an rp2040.c target
<josuah> rather well explained at the end of the README of
<josuah> pico-debug is a standard swd running on core1 letting core0 free for application, to have a debugger without the need for a picoprobe
<josuah> described here: (Appendix A, Page 58)
<josuah> hmm, their fork starts conflicting with openocd's upstream! I'll hit the sf mailing list
<Haohmaru> why dafuq did they not put normal SWD on that thing?
<Haohmaru> but anyway, you wanna wait till the openocd gurus here wake up
<Haohmaru> i'm merely a user
<josuah> I'm not even an user since I got it not working ;)
<josuah> Haohmaru: that is frustrating, maybe they wanted the shortest path to make an RP2040 able to debug an RP2040
<bencoh> in that case their openocd fork should just add a custom swd adapter to relay swd commands, not a full target
<bencoh> considering what you just quoted "pico-debug is a standard swd running on core1 letting core0 free for application"
<bencoh> the route they chose seems kinda ... not the Right One
<karlp> Haohmaru: they put swd 2.0, aka multi drop swd on it.
<karlp> which is standard, but they'ðre like one of the first parts that actually used it :)
<Haohmaru> ah
<karlp> and many existing debuggers in the field dont' support it.
<Haohmaru> so it does have SWD
<karlp> some do after fw updates, some may never
<Haohmaru> so, one physical port (same pins) for both cores?
<karlp> correct
<karlp> much like jtag is a chain of taps,
<karlp> original swd didn't support that.
<Haohmaru> and you ask via the SWD protocol "how much brainz you got there?" "i got two"
<karlp> effectively, yeah :)
<Haohmaru> and then you can talk to each
<karlp> close enouigh at least :)
<Haohmaru> okay, then, raspberry org is excused
<karlp> well, kinda
<karlp> they proposed the patches to openocd like three years ago or so
<karlp> but they never followed up on it...
<Haohmaru> i am aware there are other multi-core cortex Ms from other vendors, didn't know how the SWD interfacing was there
<karlp> on some of them it's handled via special register mapping inside one place
<karlp> and pretending to be one core
<Haohmaru> huh
<karlp> which is kinda standard from jtag world, you often don't actualyl care about the cores, depending on how indepent they need to be.
<karlp> tyhough multidrop got merged via
<karlp> so not sure what would be left actually
<Haohmaru> why aren't there nice SWD debuggers tho
<Haohmaru> nice and cheap
<Haohmaru> or at least nice
<karlp> there are?
<Haohmaru> not many
<bencoh> olimex/jlink are pretty nice in my opinion
<karlp> multi drop litereally didn't exist for years, and wsa worked around in single drop swd for many many multi core targets.
<Haohmaru> i meant DAPlink based
<bencoh> oh
<Haohmaru> or SWDAP
<Haohmaru> you know, the CMSIS thing
<karlp> I'm not sure what the question is here?
<Haohmaru> none, ignore me
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<josuah> karlp: thank you! I understand this all so very better now!
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<karlp> hope I got it all right then ;)
<josuah> the SWD doc and RP2040-datasheet.pdf seems to confirm
<josuah> karlp: or maybe not!
<karlp> oh, those bits were right, the claims on fw updates may or not be required for multi drop swd on most common dongles is perhaps a bit fluffier
<josuah> answer from he who made pico-debug (running an SWD debugger on one core for debugging the other):
<josuah> > NO. This is not the case. CMSIS-DAP is a USB protocol to connect PC software running ARM debug software to an ARM debug unit on an ARM MCU. You are mistakenly interpreting descriptions about SWD as somehow being a description of CMSIS-DAP.
<josuah> > RaspberryPi chose to create their own proprietary protocol that is layered on top a USB virtual serial UART port and uses that UART protocol to conduct SWD transfers. They did this instead of adopting an open standard like CMSIS-DAPv2.
<karlp> that's different though,
<karlp> and where's that from anyway?
<karlp> because it was literally people who contributed the multi drop swd code to openocd, before they could even say what the target was...
<karlp> anyway, is merged too,
<karlp> I'm not sure what else you would need from rpi fork now.
<josuah> pico-debug is not picoprobe I think
<josuah> that was from 's author
<josuah> or let me check...
<karlp> kilograham?
<karlp> or majbthrd?
<josuah> majbthrd
<karlp> ok, so then, if I can read between the lines, kilograham was paid by arm to add multi drop swd support to openocd, _prior_ to the rp2040 being announced, but as soon as it came out, we knew what it had been for.
<karlp> in the meantime, rpi people went, "fuck it, this is taking to long, we're going to do something else in the meantime"
<josuah> oh my!
<karlp> and /me shrugs
<josuah> that is very valuable for me to understand
<karlp> just fucking avoid this proprietary garbage fire.
<karlp> I was not aware they had actually gone with something "not arm standrd multi drop swd"
<karlp> because, see aforementioned trashfire comment.
<karlp> much better to deal with riscv "totally not proprietary" trash fires instead ;)
<karlp> I may still be misinterpretting, and I was _not_ involved in tracking these chagnes,
<karlp> though I don't have lot of sympahty for majbthrd feeling like "all this work" to "actualyl follow style, and not leak memory"....
<josuah> ooh, "SWD v2" in the datasheet, not "DAP v2"
<karlp> it wouldn'tsurprise me if yould actualyl use both?
<karlp> also, the fact they haven't even changed the readme indicates they still believe in the lie they're telling themself that this is "just a short lived fork, we'll get it upstream, hoenst"
<karlp> but now it's like they found some community people to maintain the fork....
<josuah> I felt there was something odd with that fork
<josuah> but I was not expecting peeking at so much of this story
<karlp> well, you bought into the rpi world :)
<josuah> reinventing the next-gen wheel in an incompatible way?
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<karlp> look at it another way, what mad eyou pick rp2040 for your project? :)
<karlp> eh, don't mind me being grumpy
<karlp> one of the targets i'm playing with has a _binary only_ openocd fork :|
<karlp> at least you get source :)
<josuah> karlp: I do NOT feel you too grumpy! Enjoying getting a bit more grasp of the situation
<josuah> I first picked RP2040 out of a compromise: very cheap for their power, making it useable for a lot of various tools
<karlp> how do you decide the "power" metric?
<josuah> I looked at what was offered on other MCUs for the same price
<josuah> I thought I misread somewhere: completely out of the range of what one can find for that price
<josuah> but still not extreme face to ESP32
<josuah> borderline unfair: price or good engineering can make a product sell well
<josuah> but it looked over-engineered: a lot of boiler plate code required for just blinking a led
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<josuah> after figuring out how the RESETS.RESET regsiter worked, I finally could give-up the SDK and figure out it was not as bad as I thought
<josuah> and then the PIO units made me want to try doing something, like a LIN master for instance
<josuah> not picking RP2040 for a particular project, looking at what to explore next... Open to suggestions :)
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<josuah> "price or good engineering can make a product sell well" and I feared that the RP2040 would flood the market due to its price, regardless of the eventual bad design choices, which I had not enough knowledge to evaluate
<josuah> > _binary only_ openocd fork
<josuah> is that not forbidden by GPLv2?
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<toobah> yo if anyone is around im in a real bind
<toobah> about a FreeBSD build of the raspberry pi port of openocd
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<josuah> raspberry pi fork doing wonders again
<josuah> I'll wait he's back
<josuah> or maybe building the original openocd package for a raspberry pi target
<josuah> hmm, host, not target
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<toobah> ok lol hey im back