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First time trying openocd with an stlink, I get "Error: 18 71 hla_interface.c:264 hl_interface_handle_layout_command(): No adapter layout 'stlink' found" when running with "-d3 -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg -c "init; reset init""
I built with --enable-stlink, is anything else needed?
c4017: hi
c4017: probably you're running not the binary you built?
PaulFertser, I verified it's the correct binary. Actually I first tried it with another binary that was built without '--enable-stlink' and got a different error "Error: 16 79 adapter.c:135 handle_adapter_driver_command(): The specified debug interface was not found (hla)"
c4017: another guess then: you're running a binary with configs from another OpenOCD version.
oh I think I figured it out...
I had '--disable-stlink' later in the command line haha
yup, working now
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c4017: cool :) should have been reflected in configure summary at the end.
yup that's how I eventually found it
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hello! any news about the RP2040? As popular as it looks, their $1 133MHz MCU is still having a separate fork, with not much thing that moves on their side
why aren't there nice SWD debuggers tho
nice and cheap
or at least nice
there are?
not many
olimex/jlink are pretty nice in my opinion
multi drop litereally didn't exist for years, and wsa worked around in single drop swd for many many multi core targets.
i meant DAPlink based
you know, the CMSIS thing
I'm not sure what the question is here?
none, ignore me
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karlp: thank you! I understand this all so very better now!
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hope I got it all right then ;)
the SWD doc and RP2040-datasheet.pdf seems to confirm
karlp: or maybe not!
oh, those bits were right, the claims on fw updates may or not be required for multi drop swd on most common dongles is perhaps a bit fluffier
answer from he who made pico-debug (running an SWD debugger on one core for debugging the other):
> NO. This is not the case. CMSIS-DAP is a USB protocol to connect PC software running ARM debug software to an ARM debug unit on an ARM MCU. You are mistakenly interpreting descriptions about SWD as somehow being a description of CMSIS-DAP.
> RaspberryPi chose to create their own proprietary protocol that is layered on top a USB virtual serial UART port and uses that UART protocol to conduct SWD transfers. They did this instead of adopting an open standard like CMSIS-DAPv2.
that's different though,
and where's that from anyway?
because it was literally raspberrypi.org people who contributed the multi drop swd code to openocd, before they could even say what the target was...
anyway, openocd.zylin.com/6075 is merged too,
I'm not sure what else you would need from rpi fork now.
pico-debug is not picoprobe I think
that was from openocd.zylin.com/6075 's author
or let me check...
or majbthrd?
ok, so then, if I can read between the lines, kilograham was paid by arm to add multi drop swd support to openocd, _prior_ to the rp2040 being announced, but as soon as it came out, we knew what it had been for.
in the meantime, rpi people went, "fuck it, this is taking to long, we're going to do something else in the meantime"
oh my!
and /me shrugs
that is very valuable for me to understand
just fucking avoid this proprietary garbage fire.
I was not aware they had actually gone with something "not arm standrd multi drop swd"
because, see aforementioned trashfire comment.
much better to deal with riscv "totally not proprietary" trash fires instead ;)
I may still be misinterpretting, and I was _not_ involved in tracking these chagnes,
though I don't have lot of sympahty for majbthrd feeling like "all this work" to "actualyl follow style, and not leak memory"....
ooh, "SWD v2" in the datasheet, not "DAP v2"
it wouldn'tsurprise me if yould actualyl use both?
also, the fact they haven't even changed the readme indicates they still believe in the lie they're telling themself that this is "just a short lived fork, we'll get it upstream, hoenst"
but now it's like they found some community people to maintain the fork....
I felt there was something odd with that fork
but I was not expecting peeking at so much of this story
well, you bought into the rpi world :)
reinventing the next-gen wheel in an incompatible way?
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look at it another way, what mad eyou pick rp2040 for your project? :)
eh, don't mind me being grumpy
one of the targets i'm playing with has a _binary only_ openocd fork :|
at least you get source :)
karlp: I do NOT feel you too grumpy! Enjoying getting a bit more grasp of the situation
I first picked RP2040 out of a compromise: very cheap for their power, making it useable for a lot of various tools
how do you decide the "power" metric?
I looked at what was offered on other MCUs for the same price
I thought I misread somewhere: completely out of the range of what one can find for that price
but still not extreme face to ESP32
borderline unfair: price or good engineering can make a product sell well
but it looked over-engineered: a lot of boiler plate code required for just blinking a led
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after figuring out how the RESETS.RESET regsiter worked, I finally could give-up the SDK and figure out it was not as bad as I thought
and then the PIO units made me want to try doing something, like a LIN master for instance
not picking RP2040 for a particular project, looking at what to explore next... Open to suggestions :)
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"price or good engineering can make a product sell well" and I feared that the RP2040 would flood the market due to its price, regardless of the eventual bad design choices, which I had not enough knowledge to evaluate
> _binary only_ openocd fork
is that not forbidden by GPLv2?
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yo if anyone is around im in a real bind
about a FreeBSD build of the raspberry pi port of openocd
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raspberry pi fork doing wonders again
I'll wait he's back
or maybe building the original openocd package for a raspberry pi target