trabucayre changed the topic of #openFPGALoader to: Universal utility for programming FPGA / Github: Logs:
ysionneau has joined #openFPGALoader
<ysionneau> hello!
<ysionneau> I'm designing an FPGA board (based on Lattice ECP5), what's the easiest/best way to have support for programming it with openFPGALoader?
<ysionneau> so far I've exposed the jtag pins via a pin header, but I don't know if it's the best thing to do
<ysionneau> (there is no on-board flash memory for the bitstream)
<jeanthomas> hi, iirc there's no need for configuration
<jeanthomas> openFPGALoader defaults to SRAM configuration
<jeanthomas> you'll just need to specify your JTAG cable as an argument
<jeanthomas> eg. openFPGALoader -c ft4232 your-bitstream.bit (I don't remember the file extension for ECP5 bitstreams)
<ysionneau> ok
<ysionneau> maybe the confirmation/information I need is : is it enough/ok to just expose the jtag pins, and then I'm good?
<ysionneau> which cable is capable to program the lattice fpga via jtag pins using openfpgaloader?
<jeanthomas> um yes you just need to have TMS/TDI/TDO/TCK
<jeanthomas> regarding the choice of cable, I've been using FT2323/FT4232
<jeanthomas> you should be able to use a RP2040 with phdussud's version of DirtyJTAG:
<jeanthomas> possibly slower than the FTDI chips, but everyone has a RP2040 in their drawers these days
<ysionneau> hehe I don't have rpxxx ^^
<ysionneau> I have some arduinos at best
<ysionneau> thanks!
<jeanthomas> I haven't tested those myself, but they seem supported according to
<ysionneau> ok great :)
<ysionneau> thanks a lot
<jeanthomas> happy to help
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