trabucayre changed the topic of #openFPGALoader to: Universal utility for programming FPGA / Github: Logs:
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Guest65 has joined #openFPGALoader
<Guest65> hi
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CarlFK1 has joined #openFPGALoader
<CarlFK1> openFPGALoader -b arty --reset
<CarlFK1> Jtag frequency : requested 10.00MHz -> real 10.00MHz
<CarlFK1> this is more an Arty question... how do I get the default/factory bitstream back?
<CarlFK1> I thought --reset but it seems I replaced it with my own
Guest65 has joined #openFPGALoader
<Guest65> I have this board, what would it take to add support to openFPGAloader
<Guest65> it's altera cyclone iv
<Guest65> also, can you recommend any collections of bitstreams for cyclone iv, eg crypto and hash algorithm implementations
<Guest65> I know that it's not that powerful but I would like to poc for learning how fpga-s work
<CarlFK1> poc?
<trabucayre> CarlFK1: --reset is used to force FPGA to reload SRAM with SPI flash content
<trabucayre> If you have a custom bitstream into flash this one will be loaded
<trabucayre> Guest65: a bitstream is dedicated for a couple FPGA+board so you have to integrate IP into a project dedicated for your target board
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<CarlFK1> trabucayre: yeah, so I am trying to --dump-flash from a unflashed board, and failing
<CarlFK1> openFPGALoader -b arty --dump-flash --file-size 134217728 --bitstream a7.bit
<CarlFK1> openFPGALoader -b arty pi34/a7.bit
<CarlFK1> Parse file Error: Failed to program FPGA: basic_string::substr: __pos (which is 4294949689) > this->size() (which is 134217728)
<CarlFK1> --file-size 268435456 ... try to load it... Parse file Killed
<CarlFK1> [25721.800652] Out of memory: Killed process 3981 (openFPGALoader) total-vm:1064444kB, anon-rss:699776kB, file-rss:128kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:1000 pgtables:1424kB oom_score_adj:0
<CarlFK1> lets see if someone can get me the original
Guest65 has joined #openFPGALoader
<Guest65> ok
<Guest65> I guess I'll have to start by findinga quick course for fgpa-s
<Guest65> coursera or udemy or somesuch
CarlFK1 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
<Guest65> subscribed to this one, looks promising
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