trabucayre changed the topic of #openFPGALoader to: Universal utility for programming FPGA / Github: Logs:
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<CarlFK> git20230202 git2023 02 02... is bwtween the last 2 releases: v0.11.0 and v0.10.0
<CarlFK> if the bookwork version seems to work, how much effort should I put into getting the package updated? (other than pushing things forward, but I need to prioritize it against other issues)
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<trabucayre> CarlFK: I have to create a new release. It maybe more easy to wait before bumping debian package
<trabucayre> I have posponed this new release until some fixes are applied/found.
<CarlFK> trabucayre: got it. good answer. I'll be on the lookout.
<CarlFK> trabucayre: where I using it:
<CarlFK> pi + arty for people to play with
<CarlFK> bb in 30, when I will rebuild the server from the ground up
<CarlFK> if that goes ok, Ill update
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