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so good news, using the raspberry pi i was able to program the volatile and non volatile memory of an artix7, but i found some wonkyness. I am guessing it is libgpiod, because now when I power cycle the device, the FPGA won't start up until i issue a restart command with openFPGAloader
now the issue is that the FPGA is a PCIe device, so i need the device to function during bootup. i am guessing that libgpiod has initialized the pins in a different configuration than the FPGA is used to?
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(bitbang may be slow, but it doesn't matter for the small FPGAs. It's like 1 second vs 0.1 seconds. Not enough time to meaningfully do stuff during the wait)
well, for our FPGA bigbanging the bitstream into SRAM takes around 7 minutes ...