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There is no way to say "this module has this signature except member foo is actually called bar", right?
For example, given a functor `module F(T : sig val foo : unit -> int end) = struct let foooo () = T.foo () + T.foo () end` and a module `module M = struct bar () = 42 end` you can't write `module M' = F(M with val foo = bar)` or so?
<dinosaure> you can do `F(struct include M let foo = bar end)`
<dinosaure> so it's not an exclusion but you add what is required for `F`
<_ggole> Yeah, some variant of `include` trick seems necessary
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yes so basically you have to define a new module
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<cavemon.dev> what does `!` mean in `type !'a t`?
<smondet> It's an injectivity annotation
<Kali> `typevar.` indicates an explicit universal quantification on that type variable
<Kali> (or type variables, you can have multiple: `'a 'b.`)
<Kali> this is usually hidden in type signatures since it's just implied, but sometimes you need to explicitly write it to make sure you get the right type, like when putting a polymorphic function in a record
<Kali> ```ocaml
<Kali> type example = {
<Kali> f : 'a -> 'a (* wrong: 'a is unqualified *)
<cavemon.dev> does qualified here mean something like "the return type here is the same as arg type"?
<Kali> unqualified is sort of like, this type variable is unbound, it just appeared out of nowhere
<Kali> you can't introduce a type variable without it first being bound
<Kali> like in 'a option, it's bound here:
<Kali> ```ocaml
<Kali> (* bound here *)
<Kali> type 'a option =
<Kali> | Some of 'a
<Kali> | None
<Kali> ```
<Kali> you can't do ```ocaml
<Kali> type option =
<Kali> | Some of 'a
<Kali> | None
<Kali> ```
<Kali> because 'a must be introduced before it is used
<Kali> in a normal type signature, these bindings are hidden to reduce noise
<Kali> for example `(fun x->x) : 'a -> 'a` is really `... : 'a. 'a -> 'a`
<cavemon.dev> are these two equivalent?
<cavemon.dev> ```ocaml
<cavemon.dev> type example = { f: 'a. 'a -> 'a }
<cavemon.dev> type 'a example = { f: 'a -> 'a }
<cavemon.dev> ```
<Kali> no
the first gives you a type "example" with a field f that is a function that takes any type and returns the same type
<._null._> Beware of large-ish code blocks, mind the bridge with IRC
<Kali> the first example is a record containing a function from any type to any type
the second gives you a type "'t example" with a field f that takes a 't and returns a 't
that is, the first takes any type (but that isn't very useful) and the second makes the type into a parameter of the example type
<Kali> the second example is a type parameterized by a type, that produces a record type containing a function from that type to that type
<Kali> for example `int example` is the type `{ f : int -> int }`
<cavemon.dev> i see what you mean
<Kali> but the first `example` function has to be applicable to all types
<Kali> `{ f = fun x -> x }` is ok, but `{ f = fun x -> x + 1 }` is not
<cavemon.dev> because + is int
<Kali> because it has type `int -> int`, which is less general than `'a -> 'a`
<cavemon.dev> makes sense
<cavemon.dev> finally what is `type a` in `fun ...`
<cavemon.dev> `fun (type a) (ty : a t) : a option t ->`
<._null._> A locally abstract type, so one which doesn't get unified with any other (except when GADTs are involved)
<leviroth> I disagree. For example the compiler is perfectly happy to let you write `((fun x -> x + 1) : 'a -> 'a)` even though it will not let you add a universal quantifier to the type.
<cavemon.dev> locally abstract meaning opaque? or can be any type like int
<._null._> It's locally abstract, just like regular arguments are locally abstract: you don't know what they are inside the value, you have to deal with all possibilities
<._null._> It's locally abstract, just like regular arguments are locally abstract: you don't know what they are inside the function, you have to deal with all possibilities
<cavemon.dev> so these are not the same correct?
<cavemon.dev> ```ocaml
<cavemon.dev> let filter = fun (type a) (data: a list) -> data
<cavemon.dev> let filter: 'a. 'a -> 'a = fun data -> data
<cavemon.dev> ```
<._null._> No, the first one is `let filter : 'a. 'a list -> 'a list = fun data -> data`
<cavemon.dev> so these are not the same correct?
<cavemon.dev> ```ocaml
<cavemon.dev> let filter = fun (type a) (data: a list) -> data
<cavemon.dev> let filter: 'a. 'a list -> 'a list = fun data -> data
<cavemon.dev> ```
<cavemon.dev> sorry i forgot to put `list` on second example
<._null._> Then yes, they will be the same
<cavemon.dev> are they only same because its an identity function?
<._null._> Locally abstract types are useful because they won't try to unify with any other type, and they're sometimes required (GADTs, FCMs) but apart from that they don't extend expressivity
<._null._> "they won't try" : when you have type errors they will be more readable
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<rongcuid> I'm trying to compile a fairly dated project (`cil-template`) which uses cmake, and I am getting errors about `UsdOCaml.cmake` cannot find a source file, likely because it's not searching for the ocaml file extension. Does anyone have an idea about how to deal with this?
burn down the cmake
(if you are building this because you're taking it up, burn down the cmake right away, you'll thank yourself later. if you're just trying to compile it, that's a harder question)
<rongcuid> Well, it's a tutorial repository...
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<rongcuid> Last time I touched ocaml dune wasn't a thing yet. I'm not sure how hard it will be to convert
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<cavemon.dev> is there a contrived example to illustrate locally abstract vs. polymorphic? trying to wrap my head around it
doesn't have to be dune, virtually anything is preferable to cmake, especially for ocaml where there's no standard support for it
<rongcuid> I need to understand how the project compiles first
anyway if you can't burn it out next best guess is to search for a newer version of the ocaml-in-cmake infrastructure they're using
since cmake is a fairly moving target
<rongcuid> It has this 1260 line cmake module
I recommend against trying to understand cmake unless you have a lot of sanity points to spare
especially that kind of cmake
<rongcuid> I'm trying to understand what this does `OCAMLOPTS -pp "camlp4o pa_macro.cmo ${PPARGS}"`
it runs the camlp4 preprocessor (which is old and dead)
or arranges to run it or something, depending on exactly what it is and what's around it
<rongcuid> This is basically the thing: