<darrenldl> is there a format syntax/option where it keeps track of the width of the box instead of only just the indentation?
<darrenldl> (`Format` or `Fmt`)
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what would that look like?
<val patate: unit Lazy.t> can one define a type's array-like initialisation (`[| x1; ...; xn |]`) ?
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<val patate: unit Lazy.t> I think I saw somewhere that you could include a module, and `[| x1; ... xn |]`, but can't remember... maybe it's just me hallucinating
<val patate: unit Lazy.t> I think I saw somewhere that you could include a module, and `[| x1; ... xn |]` would then work on it, but can't remember... maybe it's just me hallucinating
<val patate: unit Lazy.t> One can do `module Array = struct let get = List.nth end` to shadow `.()` then use it on lists: `[1; 2; 3].(1)`... But is there something similar with initialisation?
<darrenldl> companion_cube: i probably phrased that poorly, but basically say within a box, i print a list of strings, followed by say a closing bracket:
<octachron> @BigOof Format doesn't record the width of boxes, so that doesn't seem possible in general.
<darrenldl> gotcha, thanks! i was guessing that'd be the case for complexity and performance reasons, but just wanted to make sure im not missing some obvious api
<bnguyenv> Oh no I think you could only have the ending parenthesis on a newline by itself actually
<bnguyenv> Trying to play with it a bit, I can't manage to get even that, so maybe not sorry...
<darrenldl> ooo, thanks for the update!
<darrenldl> tbh this need is very niche, and wouldnt make sense to be in a api that targets general use
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<Oégua> hey guys, I'm having a little bit of a problem to make my VSCode recongnize the Zarith library (i'm using the OCaml Platform extension)
@darrenldl oh, tough
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<darrenldl> companion_cube: yeah, this is only just for a small note finding tool i use for myself though, and i don't care enough to pad it properly anyway : D
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<∆V> I want to manually create a call to an external function in OCaml's lambda IR and use OCaml's backend to compile that, but the arguments are not being passed correctly.
<∆V> (data int 3063 "camlTest__1": addr "camlTest__fun_81" int 1)
<∆V> (function camlTest__entry ()
<∆V> (app (load_mut val "camlTest__1") 511 "camlTest__1" unit) 1a)
<∆V> (data)```
<∆V> But the following c function:```c
<∆V> CAMLprim value nat_foo(value arg) {
<∆V> printf("foo called with %d!\n", Int_val(arg));
<∆V> return Val_unit;
<∆V> }```prints `foo called with 1500117184!`.
<∆V> I use `ocamlopt` to generate a single object file (without the runtime) and I have no issues linking it. So what's going wrong here?
<∆V> I want to manually create a call to an external function in OCaml's lambda IR and use OCaml's backend to compile that, but the arguments are not being passed correctly.
<∆V> I discovered the same, hence I assume I'm just doing something fundamentally wrong. How do you suggest I do it?
<∆V> Btw, I'm pretty sure `val` is just short for any literal value. It appears in all my tested cmm multiple times where you'd expect literals.
<octachron> Don't generate an anonymous function when you intended to call an existing function?
<∆V> But the called function is defined externally?
<∆V> Should i just generate a call to an undefined function "nat_foo"?
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<octachron> As far as I understand, by the time that you call the function, it needs to have been resolved to some symbol, independently on where the function was defined.
<∆V> You mean that which is added to the environment by the `external nat_foo` declaration?
<∆V> The `Types.value_description`?
<octachron> Types don't exist at runtime, if you are generating lambda you should ignore them.
<∆V> So you're saying that I should just `Lapply nat_foo` basically?
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<octachron> Yes
<∆V> I'll give it a try!
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<∆V> @octachron as expected: `Fatal error: Selection.emit_expr: unbound var nat_foo`
<∆V> But this is the lambda and cmm, if i follow ur instructions: ```
<∆V> lambda:
<∆V> (seq (apply nat_foo! 255) 0a)
<∆V> cmm:
<∆V> (data int 768 global "camlTest" "camlTest":)
<∆V> (data
<∆V> global "camlTest__gc_roots"
<∆V> "camlTest__gc_roots":
<∆V> addr "camlTest"
<∆V> int 0)
<∆V> (function camlTest__entry ()
<∆V> (app (load_mut val nat_foo!) 511 nat_foo! unit) 1a)```
<∆V> Is the fact that it's applying a problem?
<∆V> Is the fact that it's `apply`ing a problem?
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<∆V> Oh
<∆V> wait
<∆V> I solved it!
<∆V> I just add the function as a global primitive to the environment and the rest just works out of the box!
<∆V> Thanks for the help! :))
<octachron> Not sure if I add helped much (but yes within `nat_foo!` the `!` means that `nat_foo` is a global (and unique) identifier).
<octachron> Not sure if I have helped much (but yes within `nat_foo!` the `!` means that `nat_foo` is a global (and unique) identifier).
<∆V> Turns out that it indeed needed to be a global yea
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is it possible to pass configure flags to packages installed by opam?
to answer my own question, the answer appears to be no.. opam configure flags appear to be fixed inside the build script with no escape hatch.
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<cemerick> companion_cube: in the category of, "I didn't even know I wanted it"
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<lukstafi> Hi! Has anyone experienced weird file IO behavior from within `%expect_test` code? For me, the output just does not appear in the file, and I made sure to flush often, verified that things get output if the channel is `stdout` (in the `Trailing output` section), and that the file is populated if the same code is run from a `dune exec` binary. (The code raises an exception, that is uncaught if run as `dune exec`.)
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