coming from imperative languages, I often wonder, how does Ocaml manage to be so fast despite lots of things in memory being copied very often (instead of being mutated)?
<NULL> Few things are actually copied. Like list and tree operations don't need copying, they just need reorganisation of some nodes
<NULL> (Except for list appending, that really copies the list on the left)
<NULL> ~~copies~~ duplicates
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<NULL> And also, memory allocation is made really fast by how the runtime manages (part of) its heap like a stack so allocation is just increasing a value
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You can also still use mutation in ocaml
The compiler does it a lot, for example
<NULL> Unrelated: how are message edits conveyed to IRC ?
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<NULL> Apparently they're not
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NULL: thanks
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companion_cube: I am aware of that. Sadly I have an assignment to solve and the glue code that I have to use is written in a fairly inefficient way, with almost no utilization of mutability, just copying everything
which would be fine, if the assignment weren't a competition in who writes the fastest solution
ah well, then look at Map/Set
I don't think I can use them to my advantage in this task, but thanks for the suggestion
bgs: Something that wasn't quite said yet (although this is because I think NULL and companion_cube have internalized it) is that a large portion of computational time is simply spent scrolling through space without mutating anything.
scrolling through space?
Like, navigating through address space. Chasing pointers, adding relative offsets, counting struct components, hashing structs, etc.
ah well, that depends on the language and program, doesn't it?
a reason why C++ and the likes are so fast is because they allow you to minimize that
(adding offsets is free, btw. pointers are indeed the expensive part)
well, chasing pointers and adding relative offsets is definitely a significant portion of every program
Inasmuch as "space" and "time" are tied to Turing machines, yeah. But that also does describe our current CPUs, and it shows up in descriptive complexity a little, too.
relative offsets are important enough to have a dedicated cpu instruction
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afaik the load instructions can bake an offset directly in them
all the cost is cache misses on pointer dereference
(as in, 100x or worse, compared to an addition)
yeah, absolutely
copying lots of stuff also makes this worse
...And the typical cost of any opcode. Even if it's a NOP, it costs a quantum of time. "It adds up, Jerry!" etc.
more memory -> more cache misses
Corbin: negligible quantities
<NULL> ~0.4ns, assuming >2.5 GHz
one indirection or one test could cost you the equivalent of hundreds of additions
companion_cube: At least in traditional complexity theory, on TMs or RAM machines, the time adds up. I grok and agree with your point that modern CPUs are very cache-dependent and a RAM-machine analysis isn't appropriate.
not just cache
branch prediction, pipeline, etc.
it's also why basic hashing (FNV and the likes, say) is basically free
but binary search might not be
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<Et7f3> Cpu has read cache but does some cpu have write cache
the cache goes both ways afaik, and there's invalidation from other cores
<EduardoRFS> yeah both ways
<EduardoRFS> "there's invalidation fro other cores", not really, unless you flush it
<Et7f3> And a pattern I like to do is reverse loop (The count variable can be used instead of 2 variables can be useful in some can where you do i < something.size() even if it is O(1) )
<Et7f3> I should benchmark. But does this pattern can cause more cache invalidation ?
@EduardoRFS if there's an atomic in your cache that's modified by another core?
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<EduardoRFS> @Et7f3 not really cache lines are 64 bytes aligned, so it doesn't matter the direction that you access
reverse loop is usually slower, but not because of cache
<EduardoRFS> TLDR from what I understand / remember on x86 there is cache coherence, even across cores, but that's not true on ARM even under ARM64 IIRC
so what happens when two cores are trying to access the same atomic?
(with the stronger memory orderings)
<EduardoRFS> on x86 they will always have the same data, on ARM one core can read a piece of data and another one can read a different piece of data
<Et7f3> bgs: Why reverse loop is slower ? It also free one register
<EduardoRFS> BTW this is probably a big win for multiprocessor ARM
Et7f3 no idea about the underlying mechanisms, but the simple answer is "because it is optimized for the most common access pattern, which is looping forward over the memory"
one register more/less has much less impact than memory access latency
<EduardoRFS> probably prefetching
and nowadays reasoning about register consumption is pretty much guesswork anyway
<EduardoRFS> well someone did gather the data for us, so you can actually predict register renaming on the CPU
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@EduardoRFS that can't be the case, not with atomics
there are some strong guarantees
(if you do a compare and swap, there must be some form of cache invalidation, otherwise your atomics are broken)
<EduardoRFS> oh yeah, there is memory barriers on ARM, mb, thought you were talking about general instructions like mov
oh, no
<EduardoRFS> on x86 not only mov is atomic if memory aligned but hardware always have cache coherence
x86 is too strong indeed
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<minimario> in vscode is there an ocaml extension where you can hover on an object and jump to its type definition
<minimario> like my extension does type inference and all
<NULL> Well-configured OCaml Platform
<minimario> but i want to see what the type actually is
<minimario> how do you configure ocaml platform to do that lol
<NULL> Assuming you use dune and the switch you use is the global one, simply building the project (and possibly lightly editing the file) should make all useful tooltips appear
<minimario> can you easily go from a .ml to a .mli
<minimario> and vice versa
<NULL> Depends what you mean. If you just mean switching between existing files, there's an icon at the top-right corner
<minimario> oh wow i didn't see this icon
<minimario> this is useful
<minimario> learning so much about my ide today
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<darrenldl> bgs: glue code is in ocaml?
<minimario> is it possible to set up some hotkey to show the type of a value
<minimario> rather than have to hover over it
<NULL> A hotkey to have the tooltip appear ? I don't know any, but I imagine even a global extension might add this
<minimario> yeah i kind of want a vim like environment
<minimario> in the comfort of vscode
<minimario> hehe
<minimario> i downloaded the vim for vscode extension but
<minimario> it would be nice to be able to fully use keyboard
<NULL> I found `editor.action.showHover` which is by default bound to `Ctrl+K Ctrl+I` apparently
<minimario> where's this?
<minimario> i don't have this in my defaultSettings.json
<NULL> It's a keybinding, look there
<minimario> ah i see
<minimario> maybe my vim extension does weird things to keybindings
<NULL> It shouldn't remove the action though
<NULL> You should always be able to remap it
is there an equivalent of Java ArrayList that I'm not seeing in the OCaml standard library? (a resizable, mutable collection of arbitrary type)
<NULL> No, you can look for Vector in "augmented standard libraries"
hm, okay
<NULL> If you are used to the Stdlib, CCVector should be easy to pick up
<NULL> Oh wait, "of arbitrary type" ?
<NULL> Like not knowing anything about the type of the elements ?
no, like "not just for byte vectors"
CCVector looks like the shape of thing I want
<NULL> Okay, so that's how I read it before, so CCVector should be good
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<minimario> hmm my opam 4.13.1 version has ocaml 4.12 installed
<minimario> this is so weird
<minimario> can i upgrade ocaml without like completely removing the opam switch lol
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yeah you should be able to
something about `--unlock-base`
<minimario> can you get the type of a highlighted expression with ocaml platform
a full expression, not sure — LSP doesn't have that
<minimario> ah ok
<minimario> sad
yeah it's a pity
<minimario> can you go from a .mli declaration straight to the definition somehow
no, that feature is not implemented yet
<minimario> 😦
<minimario> are there plug-ins where i can 😛
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<travv0> by default the hover keybinding is `gh` with the vim extension
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Hi hackhorn!
can I use String.sub if I use Base?
argg, Base has a different String.sub
You mean use the standard String.sub when it's shadowed by its Base version? You can call it as Stdlib.String.sub I think.
ahh thankss
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how do I filter a list with 2 functions
<NULL> What do you mean "with 2 functions" ?
I want to write this let filtered = List.filter (List.filter l ~f:f1) ~f:f2 but that looks clunky
or is it alright?
<NULL> You can filter on the conjunction
<NULL> manually expanding the function
arg, any other way?
<NULL> The way you do it also works
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<NULL> You can write it as `l |> List.filter ~f:f1 |> List.filter ~f:f2` if it looks nicer
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oh thats nice, thanks
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<let Butanium = raise Not_found;;> Why not filter with f1 && F2?
<NULL> `(&&)` isn't defined on functions, so you have to expand and it takes more space
<Et7f3> hackinghorn: Why other way ? If you create a named predicate `let filter_this_and_this elt = f1 elt && f2 elt` then use in List.filter it has a name so more readable and you do one pass so it is also faster.