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potash has quit [Quit: The Lounge -]
sharkdp has joined #numbat
<sharkdp> Numbat v1.13.0 is out:
<achin> !nbreload
achin has quit [Changing host]
achin has joined #numbat
<achin> !nbreload
<achin> oh. well i was going to load 1.13.0 into the bot. but the bot is not here! so i'm an idiot
Charbot9000 has joined #numbat
<sharkdp> !nb calendar_add(now(), 1 month)
<Charbot9000> Error: Unknown identifier 'calendar_add'.
<sharkdp> !nbreload
<Charbot9000> Reloaded numbat wasm
<sharkdp> !nb calendar_add(now(), 1 month)
<Charbot9000> Error: Unknown identifier 'calendar_add'.
<achin> hmm. let me see
<achin> ah ha. the wasm target got renamed from "wasm32-wasi" to "wasm32-wasip1"
<achin> !nbreload
<Charbot9000> Reloaded numbat wasm
<achin> !nb calendar_add(now(), 1 month)
<Charbot9000> calendar_add(now(), 1 month) = 2024-09-09 21:37:29 UTC [DateTime]
<achin> \o/
<sharkdp> nice!
<sharkdp> !nb range(0, 10) |> map(sqr) |> sum
<Charbot9000> sum(map(sqr, range(0, 10))) = 385
<sharkdp> The new reverse function-call syntax
<achin> that looks fancy
<sharkdp> This can be used for a lot of things, I believe.
<sharkdp> !nb 3^5 + 3^3 + 3 |> base(3)
<Charbot9000> base(3, 3^5 + 3³ + 3) = "101010" [String]
<sharkdp> I'm currently playing with a (fourth order) Runge-Kutta implementation in Numbat.
<sharkdp> (a way to numerically solve ordinary differential equations)
<sharkdp> of type y' = f(x, y)
<sharkdp> Using those numerical methods together with the (experimental) plotting functionality feels quite powerful
<achin> sounds like i need to take a peek at all the new numbat stuff :)
sharkdp has quit [Remote host closed the connection]