ThomasWaldmann changed the topic of #moin to: MoinMoin Wiki - release: 1.9.11, beta: 2.0.0b1 - subscribe to - Just ask/tell AND WAIT. Log:
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Guest39 has joined #moin
<Guest39> Hi,
<Guest39> I had a quick look into writing MoinMoin 2.0 custom macros (inline elements).
<Guest39> After a bit of tinkering with a local moin installation, I managed to create a simple, working custom macro.
<Guest39> What I could not find out: if my macro required a substantial amount of javascript code, how would I make that script code available for use with the wiki engine?
<Guest39> What I am missing is a way to have some static script include mechanism for custom macros. Or having a way to inject script code exactly once during macro instantiations when rendering a wiki page.
<Guest39> What do you think or suggest?
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<Guest39> Thanks for the hint. I could make it work by modifying the scripts() macro.
<RogerHaase> Guest39: your welcome, glad you got it working
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