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RogerHaase has joined #moin
asbesto has joined #moin
<asbesto> Hello there :) Anyone for some help? I have a weird problem
<asbesto> I create new users but they can't create new pages. They get "You are not allowed to edit this page."
<asbesto> Other old users can do that with no problem. Version is 1.9.9
<asbesto> OS is DEVUAN GNU/Linux
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<asbesto> will be back from my irc client
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asbesto has joined #moin
<asbesto> back
<asbesto> Hello, I repeat my question. Moinmoin 1.9.9, os is DEVUAN Gnu/Linux. New users I add cannot create any page, not even their own personal home page.
<asbesto> they always get "You are not allowed to edit this page."
<asbesto> But they can edit existent pages.
<asbesto> Any help please is appreciated :)
<RogerHaase> asbesto: are your old users a member of a group used in ACLs, as discussed in HelpOnGroups?
<asbesto> Hmmm I made them members of such groups. But they can't even edit their own page
<asbesto> my old users also.
<asbesto> same groups
<asbesto> (gotta check exactly which groups)
<asbesto> wait - I just saw "EditorGroup". Do I need that? :)
<asbesto> (nope, I think "EditorGroup" is just an example)
<RogerHaase> any page ending with "Group" can be used in ACL rules
<asbesto> Yep
<asbesto> OK, I just solved. I had those groups set in my config
<asbesto> one of them was "ContributorsGroup" for page creation / editing :)
<RogerHaase> :)
<asbesto> adding usernames there solved the problem :D
<asbesto> ty for the help. I LOVE moinmoin :) This is online since about 2001
<asbesto> :)
<asbesto> TY again!
asbesto has quit [Quit: Leaving]
RogerHaase has quit [Quit: Leaving.]