RogerHaase changed the topic of #moin to: MoinMoin Wiki - latest release: moin 1.9.11 - subscribe to - Just ask/tell AND WAIT. Log:
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<mapreri> Hello! I'd like to ask if anybody is aware of some script or something else to do mass-changes to a wiki. I'm looking to change several hundreds pages in our wiki, so it's starting to be unfeasible to do manually. Before I start writing a script myself, any hint? My working idea was to cycle through all pages using Moin's API (, load it (Page.get_raw_body()), run a bunch of re.sub() on it, save
<mapreri> (PageEditor.saveText()).
f_ has joined #moin
<f_> hi, is there a way to include html in the header?
<f_> Oh, just had to read the manual.
<f_> Sorry.
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<f_> Hi back. I have a new issue. The `Login` link doesn't show up:
<f_> How can I fix this? I can't recall having touched anything related to auth.
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