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<f_> Hi. Me again. I've tried to upgrade to moin 1.9.11 but no static files are being served for some reason.
<f_> CSS or logo
<f_> I use nginx and moin.fcgi. Will paste my nginx config soon.
<f_> Here it is
<f_> It used to work before but no idea why it doesn't work now.
<f_> I tried downgrading but just hit into more issues and I tried to reinstall multiple times to no avail.
<f_> This is what happens when it tries to fetch a static file
<f_> Moin treats it as just another wiki page...
<f_> I guess the builtin static file server doesn't work
<f_> Oh, also, I tried with everything default and still get the same problem
<f_> Screw it. I configured nginx to serve moin's static files
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