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<pabs3> RogerHaase: btw is the URL scheme for moin2 set in stone? the one on the demo site is quite different to Moin 1.9
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<RogerHaase> pabs3: there is a "modernized" theme that is similar to moin 1.9, and a "basic" sidebar theme. Users must login to choose, but not allowed on the pythonanywhere site
<pabs3> RogerHaase: that sounds like CSS? I'm talking about the URLs like +history etc
<pabs3> hm, some of the links require JS :(
<RogerHaase> pabs3: trying to reload sample (old) data - give me a minute
<RogerHaase> pabs3: sorry site seems broken; per pythonanywhere console, wiki instance was deleted and reloaded and default theme changed to modernized. But prior data and theme persist.
<pabs3> hmmm
<pabs3> what is the data storage for moin2 like btw?
<pabs3> I see the new site uses the same URL scheme
<RogerHaase> pabs3: file system is default, sqlite or alchemy are options
<RogerHaase> pabs3: cloning moin2 is best way to see differences; site is more unstable now than usual due to recent upgrande of several packages
<RogerHaase> pabs3: will let you know if I ever get time to reload site with current code. I use this site very little; mostly to check if a bug is new or existed in old code
<pabs3> I see "Home (rev 69d7ed0), modified 2023-04-22 14:16:52z" at the bottom, that seems pretty recent?
<pabs3> so I think your browser cache has the old version
<RogerHaase> pabs3: yes, after reload failed I restored several items that were deleted as a test.
<pabs3> ok
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