shayan823ShayanS has quit [Quit: You have been kicked for being idle]
akhunti1[m] has quit [Quit: You have been kicked for being idle]
anyone watching the mlpack-git list, you can ignore the revert-3476-release-4.1.0 branch, it was a misclick and I deleted it... mlpack-bot didn't do what it was supposed to for the release, but that's a different story
I think the entire REST API for github probably changed or something, and so now all the js code I painstakingly debugged is probably not receiving the right events or anything like that... I'll look into it, but it won't be today...
Will ignore the mlpack-git list for today.
hopefully it shouldn't get too noisy 😃😃
krushia has joined #mlpack
_slack_mlpack_U4 has quit [Quit: You have been kicked for being idle]
_slack_mlpack_U0 has quit [Quit: You have been kicked for being idle]