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< SinisterMJ> Hi, I need help loading a linear regression model back from harddrive, I just can't get it to work, please.
< SinisterMJ> anyone here?
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< zoq> SinisterMJ: Hello, are you using the same mlpack version to load the existing model file?
< SinisterMJ> yes
< SinisterMJ> I put everything there with code, but its not too MLPack specific on SO
< zoq> Okay, I take a look
< zoq> Are you using the master branch (svn)?
< zoq> It's a bug in the function which loads the existing model.
< SinisterMJ> Yes
< SinisterMJ> Version 1.0.9 though, can't update right now
< SinisterMJ> Okay, that means what for me?
< SinisterMJ> Don't understand right now
< zoq> You can integrate the change on your side or if you can pull the change from the svn repo. Afterwards you need to rebuild mlpack.
< SinisterMJ> Is the issue fixed in the latest SVN trunk?
< zoq> once I've commited the change, give me 3 minutes.
< SinisterMJ> Okay, thanks. Will get the latest version then.
< zoq> SinisterMJ: Okay, it's fixed in #17187 Thanks, for the report.
< SinisterMJ> Thanks a lot for the quick help!
< zoq> Sure, hopefully I didn't missed anything :)
< SinisterMJ> I will try it when my build system is done with it ;) Thanks a ton!
< jenkins-mlpack> Starting build #2123 for job mlpack - svn checkin test (previous build: SUCCESS)
< naywhayare> SinisterMJ: I think I'm the only person answering mlpack questions on stack overflow, and I check it less often than I check here or the mlpack mailing list :)
< SinisterMJ> :) Yeah, on SO there was not even a MLPack tag or similar, so I knew I was busted there
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< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - svn checkin test build #2123: SUCCESS in 1 hr 34 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> Marcus Edel: Right now, we can't load a vector, so we load a matrix and extract the last column.
< SinisterMJ> Funny enough, the latest trunk has another compilation error with VS. Error23error C2864: 'mlpack::tree::XTreeSplit<DescentType,StatisticType,MatType>::MAX_OVERLAP' : only static const integral data members can be initialized within a class\mlpack\src\mlpack\core\tree\rectangle_tree\x_tree_split.hpp33
< SinisterMJ> This error doesn't touch me, and I fixed it for me by making it non-static, but still fyi
< naywhayare> thanks
< naywhayare> I'm testing the fix before committing it
< naywhayare> the windows build server is down at the moment and I haven't had a chance to look into it
< naywhayare> so, that fix actually does not work under gcc; I'm going to open a ticket for the issue, and when I am less busy, hopefully I will have a chance to fix it
< naywhayare> but you have a workaround for now, which is good
< SinisterMJ> Okay, that actually did not work. I have added "const double MAX_OVERLAP = 0.2;" to x_tree_split_impl.hpp, now that part works. But I get Linker errors now in the AugLagrangianFunction.
< naywhayare> linker errors about MAX_OVERLAP or something else?
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< SinisterMJ> Something else
< SinisterMJ> sec
< SinisterMJ> Error71error LNK2005: "public: double __thiscall mlpack::optimization::AugLagrangianFunction<class mlpack::optimization::LRSDPFunction>::Evaluate(class arma::Mat<double> const &)const " (?Evaluate@?$AugLagrangianFunction@VLRSDPFunction@optimization@mlpack@@@optimization@mlpack@@QBENABV?$Mat@N@arma@@@Z) already defined in mlpack.lib(lrsdp.obj)\mlpack\Build-VS\src\mlpack\tests\mlpack.lib(lrsdp_function.obj)
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< naywhayare> I have to get lunch, but hopefully I will have an answer for you later on
< zoq> naywhayare: You are right MAX_OVERLAP dosn't work with clang. I put MAX_OVERLAP outside the class to get it working, but I think there is a better way (constexpr). It looks like we already taked about it :)
< naywhayare> actually, maybe I have it figured out before lunch
< naywhayare> SinisterMJ: can you try adding this to lrsdp_function.hpp?
< naywhayare> template<>
< naywhayare> void AugLagrangianFunction<LRSDPFunction>::Gradient(
< naywhayare> const arma::mat& coordinates,
< naywhayare> arma::mat& gradient) const;
< naywhayare> I added it at line 99
< naywhayare> it seems to work on gcc, but I have to go now so I don't have more time to test it right now
< naywhayare> zoq: ah, we did... I'll get back to you about this after lunch :)
< zoq> naywhayare: sure
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< naywhayare> zoq: for now switching to constexpr probably won't work since we don't require C++11 at the moment (since Udit never finished the variant of Adaboost that would require C++11 features)
< naywhayare> SinisterMJ: did you have a chance to try the fix I suggested?
< SinisterMJ> Sorry, I am in a hotel on a reaally crappy internet
< SinisterMJ> what fix did you refer to?
< naywhayare> at 16:40
< SinisterMJ> ah, okay
< SinisterMJ> found it in the logs
< SinisterMJ> lemme test
< zoq> naywhayare: right, so maybe the easiest solution to fix this is to put MAX_OVERLAP outside the class or to remove static.
< SinisterMJ> Doesn't it work the same way for GCC, you initialize the const static outside the class, but have it be a class variable?
< SinisterMJ> Okay, so that code removed one linker error, and there is now one remaining only
< SinisterMJ> Error52error LNK2005: "public: double __thiscall mlpack::optimization::AugLagrangianFunction<class mlpack::optimization::LRSDPFunction>::Evaluate(class arma::Mat<double> const &)const " (?Evaluate@?$AugLagrangianFunction@VLRSDPFunction@optimization@mlpack@@@optimization@mlpack@@QBENABV?$Mat@N@arma@@@Z) already defined in mlpack.lib(lrsdp.obj)\mlpack\Build-VS\src\mlpack\tests\mlpack.lib(lrsdp_function.obj)
< SinisterMJ> okay, got everything compiling now
< SinisterMJ> added
< SinisterMJ> template<> double AugLagrangianFunction<LRSDPFunction>::Evaluate(const arma::mat& coordinates) const;
< SinisterMJ> template<> void AugLagrangianFunction<LRSDPFunction>::Gradient(const arma::mat& coordinates,arma::mat& gradient) const;
< SinisterMJ> on line 98 of the .hpp, and now everything works
< SinisterMJ> ========== Build: 36 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 2 skipped ==========
< naywhayare> oh, right, we need to declare the Evaluate specialization too
< naywhayare> I'll incorporate that fix (the two specialization declarations in lrsdp_function.hpp) shortly
< naywhayare> zoq: the only problem with removing the static is that MAX_OVERLAP is used in static functions of XTreeSplit
< naywhayare> I guess for now the best thing is to just put it outside the class... I will eventually be refactoring that whole thing when I have time
< zoq> naywhayare: Maybe I missed something but is there a good reason for the parameter/design, because it's used in one function?
< naywhayare> this is code Andrew wrote that I haven't had a good chance to go through, and I think he did it in a hurry since it was very close to the deadline
< naywhayare> I think his goal was to allow the user to choose this MAX_OVERLAP parameter, but specify a default value
< naywhayare> I think the better way to do it may be to make the class non-static and actually hold a maxOverlap member which defaults in the constructor to 0.2
< naywhayare> but I'm not sure that RectangleTree will work with a non-static XTreeSplit function at this point
< zoq> naywhayare: yeah, that sounds like a good plan
< naywhayare> for now I'll commit a quick fix to make it a const double outside of the class, but I'll leave the ticket open until it can be refactored like I suggested or some other equally better solution
< zoq> okay good
< zoq> Thanks!
< naywhayare> okay, fix committed in r17188 and updated the ticket
< naywhayare> SinisterMJ: I committed the specializations in r17189; thanks for your help in tracking down these two issues!
< SinisterMJ> Thanks to you guys!
< SinisterMJ> Saves me loads of time to implement this on my own ;)
< naywhayare> :)
< naywhayare> if you have more issues, feel free to report them here, on trac, the mailing list, or wherever :)
< naywhayare> let me take a minute and get the Windows build slave back online
< SinisterMJ> Will do, but currently everything seems to work fine. My data doesnt fit with the predictions, but I doubt its your issue ;)
< naywhayare> which might help prevent future issues like this...
< jenkins-mlpack> Starting build #2124 for job mlpack - svn checkin test (previous build: SUCCESS)
< naywhayare> okay, I have the x64 and x32 slaves back online, although the x32 slave isn't configured right and will just fail on everything
< naywhayare> the x64 slave should work fine though
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< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - svn checkin test build #2124: SUCCESS in 1 hr 31 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> * Ryan Curtin: Add explicit declarations of template function specializations for linker fixes
< jenkins-mlpack> on Visual Studio.
< jenkins-mlpack> * Ryan Curtin: Move MAX_OVERLAP to be a member in the mlpack::tree namespace to fix errors on
< jenkins-mlpack> Visual Studio. Thanks to SinisterMJ for pointing this out. #369.