Seems harmless and looks like is related to audio, which is a thing I'm not really using but annoying to see it.
Did anyone look at this before?
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And on another topic, I've sent a patch to enable usb that I got from the downstream kernel. I've been asked to change the dr_mode from host to otg for the type-c interface on the am69-sk board, but after testing as a usb mass storage gadget didn't work with:
UDC core: g1: couldn't find an available UDC
In the downstream patch is set to host, so I'm wondering if there is any reason is set to host that I'm missing and can't work as peripheral.
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eballetbo: I have the same ti-sci-clk errors, even with TI v6.6 kernel
eballetbo: I have USB dual role working on a different board, so the SoC is able to do that, I do not know the SK board from TI
eballetbo: an on this ti-sci-clk errors, I do have working audio there, with the mclk supplied by the SOC
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