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<pivi> javierm: good to know, I should also test something in this area, but I have more urgent stuff to do before ... I'll follow-up on your progresses, thanks!
<javierm> pivi: sure, I'll let you know!
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<jluthra> javierm: ah, so the EPIPE issue is expected for any resolution/format other than the OV5640 default (640x480 UYVY)
<jluthra> javierm: the fix for that involes running `media-ctl -V` on the cdns subdev and ticsi2rx subdevs to match the format the sensor is sending
<NishanthMenon> jluthra: it does'nt automatically match up?
<jluthra> javierm: the gstreamer pipeline requires support for 10-bit bayer formats though, as OV5647 sensor driver currently only sends 10-bit bayer. That support was only recently merged - so I'm not sure if that has hit the debian repositories
<jluthra> NishanthMenon: no, with embedded camera pipelines the userspace has to do all the matching up. drivers are not supposed to read across the "links" to see what the other device is sending
<NishanthMenon> jluthra: aah.. thanks
<jluthra> libcamera helps there, if you use the cam tool in debian sid you can just run a single command and it will configure the full media graph for you. same for their libcamerasrc gstreamer element (instead of v4l2src)
<jluthra> i've tested it with debian sid on am62 with different sensors, worked flawlessly
<NishanthMenon> javierm pivi ^^
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<javierm> jluthra: I thought that this would be propagated when setting the sensor (source) pad ?
<javierm> becase as mentioned I did: media-ctl -V '"ov5647 4-0036":0[SRGGB10_1X10/640x480]'
<javierm> jluthra: and with that I saw the media-ctl -p output to show the proper format in the ticsi2rx sink pad:
<javierm> but I still get -EPIPE...
<javierm> jluthra: I also tried with libcamesrc yesterday but didn't work either
<javierm> problem in that case is: ioctl(14, VIDIOC_ENUM_FRAMESIZES, {index=1, pixel_format=v4l2_fourcc('B', 'G', '1', '0') /* V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR10 */}) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
<javierm> jluthra: just to be clear, you tested on debian with libcamera (libcamerasrc gst element) using the same sensor (OV5647) ?
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<javierm> jluthra: cam (from libcamera) takes me a little bit further indeed, but `cam --camera=1 --file=frames.raw --capture=10` hangs on poll()
<javierm> ppoll([{fd=10, events=POLLIN}, {fd=15, events=POLLIN}, {fd=11, events=POLLIN}], 3, NULL, NULL, 8)
<javierm> so it does VIDIOC_QBUF but never VIDIOC_DQBUF
<javierm> the media-ctl command to get the same media pipeline config that libcamera/cam does is:
<javierm> media-ctl --set-v4l2 '"cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge":0[SBGGR10_1X10/640x480 colorspace:rec709 xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range]'
<javierm> with that, v4l2-ctl --device /dev/video0 --stream-mmap=2 --stream-count=10 --stream-to=/dev/null hangs VIDIOC_DQBUF. I wonder if the problem is on my DTB...
<javierm> jluthra: if you can share your DTS snippet for ov5647, that would be great
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<pivi> jluthra: thanks for the comment, here. Just for my curiosity, are you using the kernel from Debian sid or just the userspace?
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