NishanthMenon changed the topic of #linux-ti to: Linux development for TI SoCs | Logs:| paste logs in | Let it rock! Vendor SDK/kernel: Also see
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<vigneshr> MWelchUK: Respin of CSIRX patches is in works but dont have a confirmed timeline yet. Still checking with team. Wrt OV5640 issues -> does it work fine with TI tree : ?
<vigneshr> austriancoder: No GTC driver planned.. .What is this wrt?
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<austriancoder> vigneshr: Global Timestamp Counter. We have one that exposes it via ptp subsystem
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<MWelchUK> vigneshr: That's the kernel used in the SDK right? Yes it works with that, however I note that the CSI bridge in that tree gets set as 2x8 where as it gets set to 1x16 in at least the last upstream submission.
<MWelchUK> The easiest way for me to get something working for now was to switch the ov5640 driver to use 1 lane rather than the 2 lanes it's currently hardcoded to use, but don't think 1x16 is going to work for us longterm.
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<vigneshr> MWelchUK: Thanks for the feedback. could you please leave a comment on the patches so that whoever is respinning it will take care of x2 lane support? jluthra FYI^^^
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<MWelchUK> vigneshr: Sure, np
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