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<austriancoder> NishanthMenon: Do you know in what partition type (user, RPMB, ..) I need to copy U-Boot etc for emmc boot on am642?
<NishanthMenon> aaah -> there are atleast two ways.
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<austriancoder> okay..
<NishanthMenon> option 1: tiboot3.bin in boot0. sysfw.itb... etc in boot0 partition : -> the sizes offsets will depend on emmc sector sizes and 4MB or 8MB boot partition.
<NishanthMenon> option 1 drove me nuts on ai64.. because features in u-boot kept changing..
<NishanthMenon> esp u-boot.img etc.. and given the fact that tfa and optee was stored as well in boot0 partition, i could see it scale..
<NishanthMenon> so, option 2 in ai64: -> which this change, uda has /boot partition like sd card does.. with that , only tiboot3.bin is written to emmc boot0 partition. so the update cycle becomes trivial -> i could not scale the a72 /a53 binaries to what ever it desires
<NishanthMenon> negatives of option2: it is fs access for R5 SPL.. so it is naturally slower than purely raw emmc access if all binaries are in boot0.
<NishanthMenon> there is an argument for option 3: -> folks are suggesting using ospi as a jump point before jumping over to uda in emmc.
<NishanthMenon> that allows for emmc uda images to be completely EBBR compatible..
<NishanthMenon> austriancoder: funny you should ask.. a few weeks back, I had gone nuts trying to figure out why ai64 boot regressed... wrote a TI internal training slide using that as a case study ;)
<austriancoder> NishanthMenon: we want to get rid of the spi as boot source and move everything to emmc ..
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<NishanthMenon> austriancoder: gotcha.. well.. it depends on scalability vs nuanced boot time optimization. standard sdk supports "optimized boot" configuration.. for me, at least with ai64, it was'nt allowing flexibility.. i would like 20MB optee images and multi-mb u-boot which is feature rich..
<NishanthMenon> austriancoder: curious why to get rid of spi - BoM cost?
<austriancoder> NishanthMenon: yeah.. it is all about the money
<NishanthMenon> austriancoder: what else is new ;)
<austriancoder> NishanthMenon: thanks for your links etc. .. this will help me a lot!
<NishanthMenon> austriancoder: cool.. i wish there was a simpler - hey here is a single soln.. works perfectly and optimally and scales with feature changes for ever.. unfortunately, as with everything.. tradeoff choices :(
<austriancoder> the next thing that will come .. boot time optimization :/
<NishanthMenon> yup..
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<vigneshr> One of the arguments for choosing option 1: booting from raw boot0 partition is quicker for ROM/SPL as there is not much of initialization required.. It's supposed to be faster than raw access to UDA
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<NishanthMenon> aah... thanks vigneshr ... option 1 for performance, option 2 for flexibility, and option 3 for potentially ebbr
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