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<punit> lvrp16: Tried on 3399 and see non-zero values upto 32bytes in
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<robmur01> I'd assume efuses are mostly there for the device vendor to do whatever they want with
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<alyssa> show of hands, how many rk3588 boards hang under load with the default software? (-:
<CounterPillow> I haven't run anything downstream on mine yet, but I can try when I get the time
<CounterPillow> what specific board are you using? I've got a QP64 and a ROCK 5B I can try
<alyssa> IIRC rock 5b
<alyssa> I found a change to armbian that updated the DDR blobs and that fixed hanging for them
<alyssa> and the board I have is early enough stock that there's a good chance it has the broken older blob pre-flashed
<alyssa> not looking forward to figuring out how to replace one set of u-boot blobs with another, though..
<CounterPillow> oh, do the rock5bs come with like an SPI flash that has something pre-flashed? Then that's going to be a pain
<CounterPillow> Otherwise it should mostly just be a direct drop in replacement with downstream u-boot for the blobs
<CounterPillow> neggles has a repo with downstream u-boot + some fixes to get rid of python2 and make it work with a newer non-bundled compiler
<CounterPillow> but maybe radxa has already done that themselves on their u-boot repo
<alyssa> joy
<CounterPillow> it expects rkbin stuff to be in ../rkbin/, not sure if the one rockchip has on their github currently still is the most recent version of stuff (they did update it when I asked them to a few months ago)
<alyssa> ack
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<lvrp16> punit: RK3399 works normally, RK3328 efuses all turn up as 0. I am using upstream ATF so I want to confirm that it is an issue with ATF.
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<CounterPillow> Was this never upstreamed? :\
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<lvrp16> hexdump0815 mentioned it to me back in 2020, i just forgot
<lvrp16> if you want the TRM part 2 for upstreaming, just let me know
<lvrp16> RK3328
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<CounterPillow> currently busy with lots of other things and never contributed to TF-A, but thanks for the offer :)