_whitelogger has joined #linux-rockchip
<diederik> I didn't get it at first, but that's because joins (etc) are hidden in my client
<diederik> thanks :)
<whitequark> Libera guidelines require the topic to state that the channel is logged
<stikonas> whitequark: that would be tricky unless we get an OP
<stikonas> has anybody registered this channel?
<Rathann> chanserv is not responding to my commands, so maybe it's down
<stikonas> well, Chanserv tells me that channels is not registered
<whitequark> maybe ask for help in libera support channels?
<stikonas> we won't be able to register it ourselves now. Somebody will have to contact libera staff
<macc24> lol
<chewitt> ^ did I detect a decision to remain here? .. there's a channel on oftc as well
<chewitt> slowly but slowly the list of duplicate channels in my client is reducing :)
<diederik> I just want to get away from freenode. And not have a bunch of duplicate channels ;) I didn't even know it was also on oftc
<chewitt> there's only 3x people on oftc so I think this one wins :)
<chewitt> did someone try registering the channel here?
<diederik> According to https://libera.chat/guides/creatingchannels the first person to join this channel shoud've gotten (temp) OP status. I have no idea who that is/was though
<clarity> We can get a staffer to op one of us
<clarity> Who were ops on freenode? I know naobsd was but I guess they're not here now?
<clarity> mmind00?
<stikonas> diederik: that temp OP might have been lost if the first person restarted IRC client
<clarity> The network was a bit unstable anyway
<clarity> Chances are whoever got here first would've been timed out at some point
<diederik> ok. While I'm a long-time user of irc, I actually have no clue how (most of) it works
<mmind00> clarity: I never was an op before ... but then again, it probably isn't that difficult ;-)
<clarity> Yeah and it doesn't really matter much I guess
<diederik> from reading the above linked document, a/the potention OP should ask in #libera, so libera staff can fix things (I presume)
<mmind00> there is also https://libera.chat/chanreg#community-registration ... and I guess we probably count as a community :-D
* mmind00 is making his way through the registration stuff :-)
<diederik> mmind00: saw you already received a greeting by libera staff :)
<mmind00> looks like we fall under the general #linux-* community already, so probably #linux-ops is the place to ask questions
<diederik> I think you should just ask in #libera. If that's not the appropriate place, then they'll say so
<mmind00> diederik: probably ... with further messages I layed that out (including possibly asking on #linux-ops instead), so I'll wait for kline to answer now
<diederik> I did see that one msg, but not others (from you) ...
<clarity> Do they have some bizarre kind of filters or what
<clarity> I never really got staff attention on that channel except at the very start
<diederik> When I first joined this network and that channel, the speed of msgs was insane. As in: it went so fast I couldn't read (all) the msgs. It's much slower now. But that may very well be normal
<clarity> mmind00 got a random unsolicited hi, or did you ask a question I never saw? :)
<diederik> it appeared as a random unsolicited hi to me. Like he was waiting for it.
<clarity> Yeah
<mmind00> sorry, what?
<mmind00> I did ask kline a question and got a hi response
<clarity> Ok, we did not see that question
<diederik> that was (kind of) what I'm trying to find out. It appears I'm not receiving/seeing all your msgs
<mmind00> strange ... my question to cline was just above that somehow
<mmind00> ->kline)
<clarity> So I was wondering whether they've got some sort of filtering in place .. or is the network just dropping messages
<mmind00> at least I see my own messages
<clarity> This is how it looked on my end http://paste.dy.fi/coF/plain
<clarity> :)
<mmind00> clarity: very strange ... do you see the further messages from me below that?
<diederik> similar, but not the same on my end: https://paste.debian.net/1199017/
<diederik> mmind00: this is the only other msg from you that I saw: "kline: looking further, I guess I should instead asking my question on some #linux-* channel ... I do see #linux-ops so that is probably the way to go"
<mmind00> diederik: really looks like messages get dropped then ... I did ask about registering #linux-rockchip somewhere above that
<diederik> Besides the "hi", I haven't see a response from kline to you
<diederik> I did not see/receive that
<mmind00> diederik: besides that Hi ... I also haven't received another response
<clarity> Yeah I saw the same message that diederik did, and nothing else
<diederik> clarity: what client do you use? I use quassel
<clarity> irssi
<diederik> ok, then it's unlikely the client is at fault
<clarity> Come to think of it, I think I've seen people respond to someone a few times here on other channels without me seeing who or what they're responding to. I brushed it off as "probably something far in the scrollback?" but now I'm thinking that might have not been the case
<clarity> Kinda funny
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<diederik> I'm guessing #linux-ops is for if you want to join the (existing) linux namespace/community (and not start your own namespace/community)
<mmind00> diederik: yep ... especially as the #linux community include #linux-* so they're probably the ones to ask
<diederik> lol. You're entirely correct. Didn't think of that
<diederik> I guess that proves beyond doubt I am indeed clueless wrt irc OPs ;-P
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<chewitt> the last week has been full of people Googling all the IRC chanserve/nickserve commands they've forgotten :)
<macc24> lul
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