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<kholk> alpernebbi: no, that's not a known issue.... I haven't got that model, but it'd be helpful if you give out a full kernel log
<kholk> also, wens: any idea?
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<alpernebbi> put bad/good dmesg output on https://bpa.st/2GYA
<alpernebbi> postmarketOS kernel is based on that branch, and that seems to work fine except for the "2" spam
<kholk> whoa. the "bad" dmesg is *horrible*
<kholk> though, even the "good" one isn't that beautiful
<kholk> are you using the defconfig from the Collabora kernel, or are you customizing the configuration?
<kholk> if you are, what are you changing in particular?
<kholk> also that duplicate opp thing is odd, never seen it before? I have to check what's going on with that....
<alpernebbi> I did `ARCH=arm64 make defconfig`, `ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- make -j24 bindeb-pkg`
<kholk> oh, yeah, you're using my defconfig then
<alpernebbi> I'll try to build with pmos config to see if that works consistently
<kholk> that's a good idea
<kholk> btw... mt8186.dtsi - remove the GPU OPPs with opp-supported-hw=<0x10>
<kholk> if you want the GPU to work....
<kholk> I'll find a decent solution in the meanwhile.... :-)
<kholk> (as that's going to work only for you)
<kholk> eh the solution is to actually be able to count lol
<kholk> 0x30 is a typo, that should be 0x20
<alpernebbi> you mean the three with opp-supported-hw=<0x30>?
<kholk> yeah
<kholk> alpernebbi: https://bpa.st/DB4Q
<kholk> that should work
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<alpernebbi> I can't get it to boot at all, weird
<alpernebbi> nvm, I recall a binutils bug with CONFIG_RELR, should go away if I update
<alpernebbi> ok, pmOS config usually gets the display working, but still not always, and it gets stuck in initramfs
<alpernebbi> kholk: two pastes again https://bpa.st/5IDA
<alpernebbi> I'll try building the debian config and enable a few of the new configs you all have added
<alpernebbi> maybe will get lucky with it
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<wens> [ 4.428091] panel-simple-dp-aux aux-0-0058: DP AUX done_probing() can't defer
<wens> alpernebbi: can you report it on the mailing list?
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