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<mwalle> kholk: why when most things are hardcoded the index is taken from the DT (and why is it needed though?)
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<wens> because there was no OF graph at the time ?
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<mwalle> wens: but why would you need to use the DT then if everything was hardcoded anyway? looks like a source for errors because the DT has to fit the hardcoded paths (just an assumption on my side). I just find/found it odd that the driver is using DT aliases for anything driver related
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<wens> mwalle: you need something to map the various instances to the points in the fixed path to configure them properly
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<hexdump0815> wens: kholk: in case you did not see it - do you have any idea regarding https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/linux-mediatek/2024-06-16#36512474 ?
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