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<mwalle> kholk: i just tried your patches but I get
<mwalle> [ 3.094831] mediatek-drm mediatek-drm.9.auto: probe with driver mediatek-drm failed with error -22
<mwalle> [ 3.121116] mediatek-drm mediatek-drm.11.auto: probe with driver mediatek-drm failed with error -22
<mwalle> I just use vdosys1 the first one isn't set up
<kholk> mwalle: yes I tried only with the second vdosys, main at vdo0, ext at vdo1
<mwalle> mh, let me try with a dummy dsi
<kholk> you have to declare both because otherwise
<kholk> the hardcoded stuff kicks in
<kholk> logic is - if there's an OF graph, use that - otherwise, use the hardcoded paths
<kholk> that was done to keep compatibility with older devicetrees
<mwalle> kholk: hm, unfortunately. on the first there is only hdmi, which isn't supported yet
<kholk> there's no way around that if not to add a "mt8195b" compatible
<kholk> ouch.
<mwalle> kholk: can't we disable the vdosys0 completely?
<kholk> I don't think we can, never tried though.
<kholk> it's all because of the hardcoded paths in mediatek-drm anyway
<kholk> if you go to mtk_drm_drv.c and remove the hardcoded paths, it shouldn't complain anymore
<kholk> but that's a hack
<mwalle> also, not sure if we want to keep that _main and _ext thing, which I saw in your example dts
<mwalle> because, that sounds like vdosys0 is the main and vdosys1 is the second path, which it is not - or shouldn't be
<kholk> 0 is always main, so logically I wrote main...
<kholk> ...same for ext, it's always 1
<kholk> (0 meaning endpoint@0)
<mwalle> mh, then.. what is main and what is ext?
<kholk> main is supposed to be the primary display
<kholk> ext is supposed to be external display (I stole the names from mediatek-drm itself)
<kholk> or any other secondary display anyway
<kholk> mediatek-drm is naming them as "main", "ext" and "third"
<kholk> (and I of course disagree with the naming)
<kholk> btw, food time, brb :-)
<mwalle> enjoy!
<mwalle> kholk: well, yeah, but we know that the driver is hardcoding everything and make assumptions which aren't true for all setups
<mwalle> so moving towards the dt graph, we should get rid of these assumptions
<mwalle> kholk: oh and i completely missed that all in the ext chain are endpoint@1.
<kholk> yeah, I didn't really want to do that initially, but I had no other choice
<kholk> reordering the pipelines (between main,ext,third) is not trivial at all and requires some restructuring of the mediatek-drm driver
<kholk> that's all because it supports multiple vdosys, so it's getting multiple instances...
<kholk> they eventually converge into one - luckily - but the probe stage is like that
<kholk> the only way of doing that would be to actually perform the reordering after everything probed and before the component children are actually initialized
<kholk> but then again, that's not trivial at all
<kholk> my urgency was to actually stop getting more of that hardcoded me... erm... :-)
<kholk> so that the debt doesn't get higher
<kholk> and we stop getting more before it's too late....... :-)
<kholk> (and now it's already *almost* too late)
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