Is this error related to my issues with the emmc? 🤔
Wait... I know 7885 and 7885 aren't exactly the same, what if that's my issue
Leandro[m]1: the exynos-clockout error? or what? Because I don't see there errors with emmc...
Leandro[m]1: the clkout error comes because you do not have proper compatible for your PMU (clkout is modelled as a child)
krzk: Yes, and I posted the emmc error earlier, i don't quite know how irc works soo uhh
Leandro[m]1: you can grep for the error and you will see the list of compatibles it looks for. It should not be critical, usually clkout is not used
Some of the things in the MMC node aren't a thing in mainline driver I heard so that is known to me
Leandro[m]1: that's weird then. exynos7885.dtsi has ciu clock defined, so this should work. Maybe your cmu_fsys clock controller did not probe for some reason?
Leandro[m]1: or the clock hierarchy or the clock registers are a bit different, thus `host->bus_hz = clk_get_rate(host->ciu_clk);` returned 0?
You should compare vendor/downstream code around these clocks (CLK_GOUT_MMC_EMBD_SDCLKIN and CLK_DOUT_FSYS_MMC_EMBD)
and add more debug commands to drivers/mmc/host/dw_mmc.c to know why bus_hz==0. Does the devm_clk_get() suceeds? If not, there will be only dev_dbg message, so maybe you do not see that failure
I'll come back tomorrow when I need help lol