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<rockosov> Hello guys! Does someone have idea how properly setup simple_amplifier to add msleep() to audio pipeline after enable-gpio raised? narmstrong jbrunet xdarklight
<rockosov> Appreciate any help or points
<narmstrong> rockosov: do you know why you need this msleep ?
<narmstrong> rockosov: you could add a property like the regulator one `regulator-enable-ramp-delay` you could name `amplifier-enable-ramp-delay` and use it in `drv_event()` after gpio set
<rockosov> Yes, we are using a low-cost analog amplifier that has a delay of approximately 140ms before it can be enabled. It is important to enable the amplifier every time we open the PCM device to prevent any white noise from being heard during silent timeslots.
<rockosov> > regulator-enable-ramp-delay
<rockosov> I will take a look, thank you!
<narmstrong> the thing is, usually you need a vendor property, but here the property is for a generic device, so the property must be generic
<rockosov> Typically, we connect the GPIO from the codec driver (specifically, the T9015 in this case). However, based on my understanding, this may not be the best architectural decision. That's why I'm currently exploring alternative approaches to find an "upstream way" of implementing the connection.
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