sdomi changed the topic of to: the coolest web framework (in Bash) to date :: logs: :: contributions welcome <3
<eloy> I am now proxying it to my APU2 in my living room running alpine because my main vps is running bash 4.x and that broke stuff
<whitequark[cis]1> view-source: what the hell is going on with `<html>`
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<eloy> oops, I was manually echo'ing HTML tags around the `aha` output. But the W3C validator is still definetely not happy about it
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<sdomi> eloy: no icon yet, i was thinking about making one (and a proper icon for myself, too)
<sdomi> do you have any fun ideas? ^^
<sdomi> we used to have a logo, I can try to dig it out.. but it was purely a placeholder i made quickly and hastily
<eloy> no ideas yet but I like playing in Inkscape
<eloy> I liked your arpa fedi logo :P