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<LjL> hello. how can i set up things on my DVB-T so that when muxes get added or changed, not only services get updated (which i believe happens since i've set Network discovery: "New muxes + changed muxes"), but channels also get added and can immediately be watched as soon as they get scanned, without doing anything manually?
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<LjL> i thought that just happened before, but i've had to troubleshoot things due to a partial switch to DVB-T2 in my country, and i appear to have lost that functionality, either that or i never had it
<LjL> i've tried making my DVB-T network a bouquet, and that way i don't have to tell tvh to map the services, but even so it doesn't seem to add new channels
<LjL> uh okay nevermind i guess, in a perfectly timely fashion just after i posted this, now the new channels got added to the bouquet
<LjL> but still, is making the network into a bouquet the "right" approach?
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<mpmc> LjL: it's what I do. if there's updates to the channels & they're not something I want I just disable them in the channel list (otherwise they get added again).
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<LjL> good to know, thanks
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