<fangerer> the PR 229 is already closed, do you mean 228 (https://github.com/hpyproject/hpy/pull/228) ?
<phlebas> looks like vstinner did not make the jump from freenode? at least I don't see him in this or #python-dev. i'm banned from freenode, anyone here still on that service and can ask him to join here or know anything?
<cfbolz> seems I can't easily log in anymore with my alt nick either :-(
<arigato> drop him an e-mail?
<phlebas> yes, I'll send an email. email just always feel so formal for me, so I was hoping I can just chat him up. I guess I'm not as old as I look when it comes to online communication. then again, this _is_ irc, so...
<phlebas> now I feel old again ;)
<arigato> :-)
<antocuni> phlebas: no, I meant 229 which I see that now became 230, the one about migrating to github actions
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