whitequark changed the topic of #glasgow to: digital interface explorer · code https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/glasgow · discord https://1bitsquared.com/pages/chat · production https://www.crowdsupply.com/1bitsquared/glasgow (FUNDED)
tpw_rules has joined #glasgow
<tpw_rules> i'm sure this must be a sore question by now, but is it ever coming? i ordered an early bird
<SnoopJ> yep
<tpw_rules> any timeline at all?
<tpw_rules> last i heard voltage regulators were missing but that was forever ago
<SnoopJ> 05:27 <d1b2> <ewen> I'd guess there's a less than 50% chance of any Glasgows ordered in 2021 arriving before August 2022. Last we knew there was no known combination of "available parts" and "validated parts/design". There's a well validated design, but a few key parts are Very Not Available (tm); and some potential replacement parts that are in hand, but not validated in a redesign (that
<SnoopJ> validation work is "ongoing"). AFAICR Esden said he hoped to be able to ship
<SnoopJ> 05:27 <d1b2> the 2021 Glasgow pre-orders "by the end of 2022". But "before August 2022" is only a couple of months away at this point, which isn't much time for design revalidation and production manufacturing/shipping (assuming the redesign works).... and it seems unlikely the original design parts are going to magically become available in the next couple of months.
<SnoopJ> as of 12 May, timestamps are UTC-4
<tpw_rules> thank you for the information. which parts are they? still the regulators? i just had an application come up for which this, slightly stripped down, would be perfect
<tpw_rules> but if i can't get those same parts the point is moot
<SnoopJ> not sure but I think regulators are part of what's under supply chain crunch
<d1b2> <dragonmux> hi tpw_rules, there's an update being written that fills in on the details - with any luck it should be up on Crowd Supply within the week
<tpw_rules> oh good timing then, thank you. i'll wait for that then
<d1b2> <dragonmux> suffice it to say as a quick summary, finalisation of the revC3 PCBs is happening quite shortly along with their being ordered and a final pre-production run done prior to production starting
<tpw_rules> another rude question: do you anticipate that being available in quantity once the early bird units are out?
<d1b2> <dragonmux> think that one's best answered by @esden
<d1b2> <dragonmux> but based on what we know, the short answer is.. not likely this year, but eventually yes
<d1b2> <esden> Once the earlybird units are sent out we will be fulfilling the remainder of the pre-orders which is another 2000 units or so. And then it will be available on CrowdSupply Mauser as well as the 1BitSquared stores
<SnoopJ> neat
<d1b2> <esden> Early bird was only 200 units
<tpw_rules> so there are at this instant parts available for that. you didn't just get 200 of the ones you need and will run out again?
<d1b2> <dragonmux> the answer to that is in the update.. please forgive us for being a bit cagey about it but we don't want to misspeak and promise something that isn't true or can't be done, and the update does explain things very well
<tpw_rules> that's fine
<d1b2> <esden> The news is mostly good in the update. But there is still some logistical challenges to navigate.
<d1b2> <esden> Bit more nuance needed 🙂
<tpw_rules> that's totally fair and i've waited this long without problems after all! i just had it pop into my head again and wanted to check up
<d1b2> <esden> No worries I understand:)
<d1b2> <esden> I do try to answer all the questions when people pop up. I have been on the other side so I know 🙂
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