Griatch changed the topic of #evennia to: Welcome to the (alternative) channel for the Evennia MU development framework (original still on freenode). Logging to We are not linked up to the rest of the Evennia community at this time, so this channel is not operational and is mostly a placeholder for now.
groctel has joined #evennia
<groctel> Hello! I'm having a problem with the database. I'm trying to free my game which means that I need to export the db without the accounts table to avoid a PII leak. What I've thought I could do was backup the db, delete all accounts and export it. However, I've tried making a new superuser account and when I introduce its information I get an
<groctel> exception every time I try to assign it id=1. Here's the shell output: I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if I should open an issue, that's why I'm asking here first :s
<groctel> I've found a much simpler solution: Remove all non-root accounts from the database and update the accounts table to convert the removed accounts' names into empty strings. I'll be gone now :)
groctel has quit [Quit: Client closed]