zorz: Today her uncle banned me from cutting wood on his table saw because he said I was too dangerous. I was using my hands to hold the wood. I have been using table saws for over 35 years. I still have all my fingers. But I didn't argue with him. It is his saw and he was watching out for me.
When he took over, he cut it wrong. So I did have a go at him about that. Hahahahaha
Surprisingly, when I told them about my design using triangles to spread the weight to the wheels he asks "It can work?". Hmmmm
whats wrong with this family
They just were not educated like me. So I don't complain.
this is a good point
I just find it funny they question me on stuff they know nothing about. Asking questions is fine. But questioning me like I am a moron is not.
Yes, and if I find them. I will break them
Bellingcat is awesome. Beautiful animal
I hate cats by the way. But wild cats are awesome.
lately i use tor browser for almost everything... its not that slow
If remiliascarlet had a pet Ocelot. I'd be fscking impressed ;-)
These domestic and feral cats. I can't stand them
i really dont like cats
I think they are ugly and annoying
i like them hunging around in the neighbour... cleaning of rats and so... but not in home
But our pet dog is feral. Taking me ages to train her to be domesticated. I don't want to erase her feral nature though so it is kind of difficult.
Yes the dog is still alive. Pain in the ass. Last night was smoking a cigar outside and I was telling her to grow up.
ooo man
My mother doesn't want to talk to me now. HAHAHA
She asked me if I remember someone. But my memory of that day was so good, I told her of course I remember. Then told her the events before hand. Which involved me yelling at my mother in the middle of a train station. So she got upset and left. Hahahaha
zorz: I actually cannot understand why the negative of the past is so hard for some people to reminisce. She thinks I am looking to be the victim. Bahahahaha only pussies are victims.
zorz: I actually told her three stories surrounding that day. But the negative one was enough for her to shut off and complain.
zorz: "Coversation over. I will talk to someone else. Someone more sympathetic and not looking to be the victim"
That's what she said
forget about it
I can't. I have a memory like a curse. :-P
I just don't understan people with IQs less than 130.
My twin sister's IQ is less than 100 and I just can't talk to her. So I blocked and banned her from my life
Bit harsh but she is a blithering idiot
My Flat Earth brother has deleted her from his life too
zorz: "rust developers are communists" Thanks for zorzing me.
farkuhar: "Maybe it was remiliascarlet who said it, then." Yes, it was me who said that.
zorz: Rust developers are gay communists.
remiliascarlet: thats the way :)
I got banned from #go-nuts (IRC channel for Go) last year for calling Rust gay.
C and C++ is all I need.
zorz: didn't ban Guest98 for the drive-by postings in praise of OpenBox?
remiliascarlet: go is getting bad day by day.... no go in my system
farkuhar: Guest98 is trivial
zorz: That's why for web development I reverted back to PHP again.
SiFuh thinks the cruxbridge had a premonition that farkuhar would be spamming #crux-devel with FS#15 comments, and that's why it disconnected for a few hours. Did he consider the alternative explanation, that farkuhar waited until cruxbridge was offline before posting?
And I mean PHP from scratch, not via some bloated framework.
remiliascarlet: you did well.
myself i even dont use nodejs, in vim (nvim) i went back to completions from dictionaries for bash and python.
no lsp in my system.
LSP's can be helpful if you're unfamiliar with a language, but can also be pretty damn annoying.
True Unix programmers use POSIX Shell.
Yesterday's 2-hour cruxbridge disconnection was not intentional, anyway, in light of the "Ping timeout" message.
remiliascarlet: in naovim i dont even use lspconfig, for ruff i go directly to neovim this is my init.lua https://0x0.st/8TPz.lua
basic brackets closing
farkuhar: Probably a devine being mocking Beerman for chatting with IRC users via Matrix.
thats all, i really like the identication of neovim, when i do =
zorz: Give "ed" a try. At least 100% likely that it's already installed on your system.
Unless you're using Windows at least.
using void... but ed is to neaderdal
And "vi" was created to replace "ed". Yet another text editor that's already installed on your system.
ed not by default.
nvi is with base install
remiliascarlet: Actually #crux-devel is the one channel that beerman still joins directly, without using cruxbridge. So even when the cruxbridge went offline, he still could have seen the chatter about FS#15.
Users of WeeChat can connect to both IRC and Matrix through a single client. So if beerman is a WeeChat user, interactions in #crux and #crux-devel might look indistinguishable on his end.
I think the cleanest way to ensure that the pkgdb remains uncluttered by files matching an "INSTALL NO" rule is to change the function signature of db_add_pkg, giving it the non_install_files as a third argument. So instead of the one-liner `packages[name] = info`, there would be some extra logic to filter out unwanted files from the "info" list.
As for refactoring db_find_conflicts, the exclusion of directories can be inlined to the two earlier searches for conflicts (filesystem and database). It might be easier to obtain canonical paths (all symlinks resolved) in the filesystem loop than in the database loop.
The way the current code tries to exclude directories is to assume that they will appear in the file list with a trailing slash. This assumption fails for a symlink like /usr/man -> share/man/; hence the spurious error I got when upgrading iputils, "could not remove /usr/man/: not a directory"
My current prototype for addressing FS#15 only works if the symlinks already exist on the target filesystem; in that case the realpath function can resolve them. But if the symlinks are being provided by the package being installed, then additional logic is needed to detect conflicting files.
farkuhar: Any issues compiling firefox in your musl system? Is your Pkgfile for firefox-musl different from amd64?
ukky: no issues compiling firefox. In musl I can use the same Pkgfile that the contrib port uses.
farkuhar: Abd yet cruxbridge did exactly that ;-) doo doo doo dooooo Welcome to the twilight zone.
I will remove firefox-bin from ISO, as it is pre-built for GNU libc
ukky: Okay. Me too.
I didn't test it
ukky: Here's another Pkgfile that might be flexible enough to work on both glibc and musl, but I'll have to test it further before pushing to contrib. https://dpaste.org/VOBqT
Heh, jue just pushed the fix for opt/iputils man-pages.
ukky: Maybe we can create our own MUSL binary of firefox. We can call it firefox-belongs-in-the-bin
farkuhar: there is no rust on ISO. I'd like to minimize port changes.
SiFuh: Doesn't upstream also provide a pre-built binary for MUSL? You could suggest that the opt/firefox-bin port adopt some logic to customize the entry in the source array.
ukky: I think I will do a core version only even though 99% of the ports are built.
farkuhar: No idea, and don't fucking care ;-)
ukky: farkuhar: at-the-least a pure core based system can be more stable and we leave the rest upto the MUSL users.
SiFuh: core-only is not enough. If you look at Makefile I sent to you, there is stage0-iso, which can include bunch of things, you can add your own
https://dpaste.org/VOBqT uses one method for customizing the source array according to the provider of libc.so; maybe there are better ways, but I'm still exploring this space.
ukky: My 3.7 ISO was basically core only. Only about maybe 15 ports in opt.
ukky: emmett1 and I created the 3.7 core to give those who want to try it a chance. That was it. It was suppose to be the first step, the foundations and you build from it.
SiFuh: yes, 3.7 ISO was mostly core-only.
ukky: And I think I am going to do similar.
SiFuh: okay
ukky: Logically thinking, you do a ports -u daily and something is being updated. So why waste out time?
1 month from now I bet 60% of the ports we toiled over, are no longer used.
SiFuh: But basic xorg setup is nice to have
Speaking of `ports -u`, now we just got a new version of glib. I hope that doesn't destroy all the previous work getting gobject-introspection to compile.
ukky: xorg is piss easy to build with MUSL
farkuhar: Hmmmm
farkuhar: Find out who did that, and go punch them in the face for me
SiFuh: yes, but it would be nice to have xorg on ISO, so that it makes musl-user happier
ukky: xorg is piss easy to build with MUSL
It CAN be on the ISO
It doesn't use that many ports from opt.
SiFuh: you are zorzing me
No this is repetition. Zorzing is telling you shit you already know
SiFuh: you want to build core-only ISO, I want to build ISO with xorg
SiFuh: did you have issue with python3-tomli? It puts license file in different location sometimes
ukky: I didn't notice sorry
zorz: Today I was moving shit around and you can never guess what I found!!!!
I found over 40 bottles of beer
500ml bottles!
That's over 20 litres of beer
start brewing
I make a brew every 14 days.
zorz: Trucks packed. Only clothes are left to throw in and boom, I am going jungle tomorrow morning
ukky i wonder ukky if someone has spliced the entire Bourne collection into one giant movie.
ukky: Matt Damon did a freaking good job. Better than Richard Chamberlain
SiFuh: agree. I didn't like the version with Richard Chamberlain
ukky: Biting and using stones didn't seem to advertise the power that Bourne had in the remakes.
SiFuh: I was able to trigger glib-introspection problem
fuckin hell they hacked ByBit
1Billion ethereum
I am SiFuh, who is summoning me?
One non-trivial difference between the rust-bin footprints for glibc and musl is the absence of /usr/lib/lib{rustc-driver,LLVM}* files in the musl package. Maybe one flexible port is not enough, and rust-bin needs to be a dup in the musl overlay, if it doesn't actually have a dependency on llvm.
How dare you speak ill of our MUSL
I haven't actually tried building anything on CRUX-musl with the binary rust distributed by upstream. So far I've been relying on the rust built from source.
Arrgghh, you traitor! Begone with you
SiFuh: I'm not speaking ill of our MUSL, I'm trying to anticipate all the problems with my flexible rust-bin Pkgfile.
So be it!
Here's the latest version if anyone wants to offer feedback. https://0x0.st/8TqQ.txt
Ahhh! What shit!
My virgin eyes have be cursed by this witch craft of text
And I misspoke earlier about firefox-bin being available in different versions depending on the libc provider. Browsing ftp.mozilla.org doesn't reveal any distinction being made under the linux-x86_64 directory.
Yes! Next time you should be warned or I shall consider lopping off your head for your misdeeds
SiFuh: Is this resolved properly in your musl?: ldd /usr/lib/libatomic.so.1.2.0
So if the rust-bin footprints actually differ in more than just the directory under /usr/lib/rustlib where they install stuff, then a flexible Pkgfile will require even further modifications of the check_footprint function.
farkuhar: Just do it lah!
Okay, boss.
ukky: What do you mean by this 'resolved properly'. It is here, it is compiled and it is linked correctly
Do you not hate how random this Linux shit is. Three companions building and thrice the results.
ldd prints this in my setup: Error relocating /usr/lib/libatomic.so.1.2.0: __atomic_exchange_16: symbol not found
SiFuh: will run musl-gcc -o my_program my_program.c -latomic
zorz: I will not!
find the linker problems :P
why you dont go to beerman to solve this issue? ;pP
I will beat him with my verbage!
And the anomosity he has for me will flower.
zorz: You do realise the reason he hates me is because I told him to "stop being a dick" when insulting a new CRUX user.
the boy is not good....
he needs to see a therapist
Arrogant, hates being told off
you know fun fact is that in general Germans are pissed with their goverment that the rest of the world is loughing at them
karma is a bitch..
You know beerman is the one who taught me how to cook great bread right?
gay stuff
I can sew and knitt dude
brb with brand new kernel 6.12.16
just compiled it
zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]
Hmm, the Bourne collection spliced into one giant movie ... didn't lavaball share a link to odysee.com where someone had done just that, but for the Ewok movies?
I can crochet socks
farkuhar: His taste buds are located in his rectum.
So if anyone has done a similar splicing job for the Bourne collection, odysee.com might be the place to search.
odysee.com is so freaking slow dude.
It is slower than rumble and bitchute here
zorz has joined #crux-social
I usually have to yt-dlp it before I can start watching.
zorz I can crochet socks
zorz just pulled a cruxbridge, leaving before the conversation got farkuhar'd.
but still I missed some modules ... normaly modules i have amdgpu and iwlwifi... i see in this netfilter nat. nvdimmm what a fuck is nvdimm https://0x0.st/8TbP.txt
mouse... should be in kernel
yeahhh okay, next kernel.
zorz: Why should it be?
come again?
zorz: Why should it be?
What was wrong with the first one?
zorz: Why do you need a mouse driver in the kernel? Couldn't it be a module instead?
i like to have everything in kernel... but amdgpu and iwlwifi in kernel dont work
Sometimes, I am concerned about what they did to you in the army zorz
They made mouse implant in the kernel
sorry 'bout your little kernel zorz. Fuck the army!
they fixed the spectre v2 mitigations in kernel.... they work over there. it was not like this.
understandable, ever consider to seeing a shrink zorz?
ukky: lto1: fatal error: Cannot open generic-match-3.o
gcc <--
SiFuh: Was build successful before?
I will disable LTO
yes enable pgo
I command thee to return to thy army zorz
From whence you came from....
they updated di.... what the fuck did they update in di
i stop visiting rt.com let me see if i can open it in tor-browser. rt.com is in par with fb cookies...
rt.com is relieved
yes it accepts tor exits
trump, and the politicians in usa forget that in 2009 bubble is Europe that paid the murble so usa will not deficit. This time Europe will pay nothing.
zorz: Anchovies on a Pizza is perfect. No one can ruin that.
Oh wait, my wife can. 100 anchovies per mm^2
Just basically salt with bread
farkuhar: And yes, beerman taught me how to make the perfect loaf of bread
farkuhar: By the way, no one can solve the puzzle of the image I sent. I can't understand why not
It just stands out. It is staring and glaring at you right to your face.
I didn't even think about it. I just saw it.
farkuhar: A man walks into a room with a bag in his hand. He places the bag down and leaves the room without ever opening it. The bag is never touched again, yet the room remains locked. Later, the bag is found to be empty. How did the man use the bag?
It's from ChatGPT. I am stuck on it.
We only have three guesses
All I can think of was he carried it. Or he used it for carrying.
Forget it. I got it.
It was meant to capture an animal
farkuhar: I asked for something original and more advanced.
A man is placed in a room with no windows, no doors, and no furniture. He’s holding a pencil and a piece of paper. There’s a piece of string tied around his wrist, and his shoes are on the floor next to him. A few moments after he’s placed in the room, he’s able to do something to get out, though it’s not what you might expect. How does he escape?
I wonder how they placed him in this room
All I can think of is suicide
zorz: You know what is funny, 40% of what ChatGPT sends me as in either questions or answers it becomes censored :-P
Fucking liberals.. Such pussies
farkuhar: It is suppose to be original, with that said. No google. That's cheating.
still using chatgpt... deepseek or alibaba
chinese ai
zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]
zorz has joined #crux-social
zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]
zorz has joined #crux-social
zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]
Okay, a flexible footprint for rust-bin is going to take at least six sed commands. pkginfo --footprint "$TARGET" | sed -e "/[a-z0-9]\{16\}/d; /libLLVM/d; /librustc_stable_rt/d; /lib\/self-contained/d; /librustc_driver/d; s/-gnu\|-musl/-LIBC/" | sort -k3 > .footprint
Apparently the libLLVM and librustc_driver stuff is bundled with the glibc binaries, while the stable_rt and lib/self-contained stuff is bundled with the musl binaries. And there are 16-character random-hash filename components that won't be common between the two tarballs.
You'll never get an exact footprint match if you insist on PKGMK_IGNORE_NEW="no", but by toggling that option to yes, you can install rust-bin on either glibc or musl using the same port (no need to maintain an overlay).
I used contrib/handlr to test the two rust-bin packages (on CRUX-glibc and CRUX-musl). On both systems, the rust-bin package was able to do the job.
The Pkgfile is butt-ugly, though. build() itself takes up only 10% of the total line count; the rest is devoted to overriding internal pkgmk functions like check_signature and check_footprint. Once the Pkgfile gets that lopsided, maybe it's better to maintain a dup in an overlay repo.
Why did I have to pick handlr as the port I would use to test rust-bin? Here again it looks like the maintainer intentionally populated one of the "verboten" directories, /usr/local/bin.
contrib/handlr's flagrant disregard for standard CRUX directories makes me curious how handlr would behave if I set up the pkgadd.conf rule "INSTALL ^usr/local/.* NO". According to the packaging guidelines, no port should be installing anything there, so the pkgadd.conf rule should never be triggered.